Analyse and synthesize spatial modulation techniques for 5g

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Reference no: EM132123994

A Detailed Review of Spatial Modulation and Simulation

Learning Outcomes

a. Learn how to model mobile communication channels
d. Discern knowledge development and directions on the recent advances in 4G to the research principles and methods of 5G technologies;
e. Fluent application of engineering techniques, tools and resources in the implementation and analysis of 4G networks within laboratory practice;
f. Exhibit strong communication skills, ethical conduct and professionalism with a high level of personal autonomy and accountability.

Assessment Specifications: A Detailed Review of Spatial Modulation and Simulation

This is an individual assessment. Therefore, it is expected that your report cannot be similar to reports from other students.

Spatial modulation (SM) is a transmission technique recently developed for the fifth generation (5G) mobile communication networks. It uses multiple antennas in which a block of data symbols are mapped and transmitted using one active antenna. The objective of the assessment is for each student to

1. Undertake a detailed review of 5G modulation schemes and then to focus on spatial modulation (SM). Reviewed papers must be predominantly from the IEEEXplore and ebooks which you have access to through the MIT library. Other sources such as Science Direct, Springer and ACM publications may be used but not the Wikipedia. Papers used in the review should come from journal, conferences and ebooks, not the open Internet.

2. Model, analyse and synthesize spatial modulation techniques for 5G radio systems

3. Simulate using Matlab or any other programming language a spatial modulation scheme, showing results and graphics with source code attached to your report as appendix

4. Submit a written and typed report using fluent communication on spatial modulation schemes. The report must include a minimum of 15 reference articles on SM.

word count:2500

Verified Expert

This assignment discusses different requirements of modulation technique used in 5G mobile networks. And different 5G modulation systems like Filter Bank Multi-carrier (FBMC), Universal Filtered Multi-Carrier (UFMC), Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing (GFDM) and Filtered Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (F OFDM). We have seen the benefits of Spatial modulation in terms of spectral efficiency, interference's and circuit requirements. Also how this spatial modulation works?? what are its types ?? and the analysis of spacial modulation method is done. Lastly this spatial modulation method was simulated in MATLAB environment and Bit Error Rate of the system is measured. The results says as compared to the traditional MIMO system environment spatial modulation offers lower bit error rates for even for larger information rates.

Reference no: EM132123994

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Analyse and synthesize spatial modulation techniques for 5g : ME602 - Mobile and Satellite Communication Systems - A Detailed Review of Spatial Modulation and Simulation - Model, analyse and synthesize spatial modulation
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10/27/2018 5:15:17 AM

Submission Guidelines ? All work must be submitted on Moodle by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. ? The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.0 spacing, 11-pt Calibri (Body) font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings. ? Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using IEEE referencing style as used by the School of Information Technology and Engineering. This was first experience with you guys.... and now after getting the solution I would like to say that i will get my assignment future assignments from u in future. But if prices would be lower then it would be best, thanks a lot.


9/27/2018 12:57:55 AM

spatial modulation scheme, showing results and graphics with code language. Results from simulation with figures and source code are required Clarity of explanation on spatial modulation concepts Technical explanations should be clear, coherent and concise 10 Fluent communication and report on spatial modulation schemes to include a minimum of 15 references on SM A written report typed in MS Word with equations, figures, tables and IEEE references style. A small number of reviewed papers will show that you have not undertaken a detailed review of the topic. In text referencing and reference list must be shown. 20 Total 100


9/27/2018 12:57:50 AM

The above table is meant for your guide. It should not be a part of your report. Download the assignment cover page. It is available on Moodle; fill it and use it as the cover page for your report. Marking Criteria Criteria Explanation Marks Detailed review of 5G modulation schemes and then focus on spatial modulation (SM) Review of modulation schemes proposed for 5G mobile networks followed with detailed review of spatial modulation schemes as found in the IEEEXplore, Science direct or any other journal but NOT Wikipedia. 20 Modelling and analysis and synthesis of spatial modulation techniques for 5G radio systems Show how to model spatial modulation, how symbols are formed, how antennas are selected including signal detection at the receiver. 25 Simulation using Matlab or any other programming method of a Select one of the spatial modulation scheme and simulate it in Matlab or any other programming 25

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