Analyse and synthesise the obligations of various parties

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM131749249

Outcomes of the assignment

1. Critically evaluate the linkages and interrelationships between disciplines of the construction, property management and administration of construction contracts.

2. Analyse and synthesise the obligations of various parties in a contractual arrangement.

3. Understand the detailed requirements various contracts, applying them to a scenario or case study.

Assignment Task 1

Outback Contractors have won a fixed price contract to construct a new National Football Stadium (The works comprise; (1) multipurpose track and field stadium; (2) Leisure facilities; (3) Restaurants; (4) entrance and parking area, with works starting on 1 March 2016 and the Employer is to take over control of the site on 28 February 2018. The following letter is sent during the contract from the Contractor to the Employers agent as in the following table.

You are required to complete the following:

- Write a letter replying to the Extract of the letter of 24 August 2017 (200 words)
- Prepare a report to discuss the contractual reasoning behind your responses under JCT Standard Building Contract and NEC3. Also outline differences and similarities of the conditions relevant to this scenario. (approximately 500 words)

Assignment Task 2
Assume yourself to be working in a Consultant firm providing service to a reputed entrepreneur organisation who has participated in several construction projects in sultanate of Oman. You are asked to select a live, large size, infrastructure development project on going in Oman and to submit a report (2000 words) to discuss construction contracts and contract management pertaining to obligations of various parties, contract administration, various contracts requirements and interrelationships between disciplines of the live construction project referencing to the case study, the report must discuss and cover the following information:

- From your live project describe the obligations of various construction parties involved.
- Describe the possible forms of contract used in Oman construction projects and suggest the possible one which suits your case study project. ( based on reasoning and justification)
- Based on the contract administration process describe the methods used to manage the following aspects in the project: (clear explanations with examples)
o Construction bonds,
o Delay's analysis and extension of time.
o Construction variations, and
o Claims.
- Describe the contract documents included in your selected construction project. Are they selected and prepared appropriately as per your professional opinion? Explain with reason.

Follow the guidelines mentioned below for your assignment.
- Assignment should be typed and an electronic copy is to be submitted through Moodle
- Handwritten assignments will not be accepted
- Assignment should have Complete and sign the cover sheet with the following information
o Assignment Title
o Class
o Student name

o Student ID
- It should have Table of Contents
- Use page numbers
- Assignment should be typed in your own words using Times New Roman font size 12.
- Heading should be with Font Size 14, Bold.
- Use Diagrams and Examples to explain your topic, provided citation, if applicable.
- You are encouraged to refer the books in Library or use internet resource or computer magazines or any other resource but you should not cut/copy and paste from internet.
- Copy paste from the Internet is strictly not acceptable.
- Harvard referencing style must be followed.

Reference no: EM131749249

Questions Cloud

Discuss what is the purpose of brand management : What is a brand. Provide an example of a brand that you buy frequently and describe the mental image that pops into your mind
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Analyse and synthesise the obligations of various parties : CIVL 0033 - Critically evaluate the linkages and interrelationships between disciplines of the construction, property management and administration
Discuss exceptions to warrant requirements : Find a recent news article on the Internet that concerns probable cause and criminal procedure.
Compare the two drinks using the wilcoxon signed rank test : Comparison of two energy drinks. Consider the following study to compare two popular energy drinks. For each subject, a coin was flipped to determine.
The transformational theory into the workplace : What are some of the characteristics of a leader who implements the transformational theory into the workplace?
Comparison of two energy drinks with an additional subject : Comparison of two energy drinks with an additional subject. Refer to the previous exercise. Let's suppose that there is an additional subject who expresses.



12/4/2017 4:50:57 AM

4.a.Description of the contract documents 10 included in your selected construction project. 4.b. students professional opinion based on reasoning; were the contractual documents prepared appropriately? 8 6.Conclusion 3 7.References(minimum 10 citations) 5 This is an individual assignment concentrated is to develop the student’s understanding obligations of various parties in a contractual arrangement, administration of construction contracts, and evaluate the linkages between disciplines of the construction industry. This will assist quantity surveying and construction management students to gain knowledge and understanding of contract administration in context of construction contracts and will be provided with the opportunity to develop skills required by a manager in a construction environment.


12/4/2017 4:50:23 AM

Task 1.Introduction 2. From your live project describe the obligations of various construction parties involved. 3. Describe the possible forms of contract used in Oman construction projects and suggest the possible one which suits your case study project. (Without proper analysis reasoning for your suggestion no marks will be awarded) 4. Based on the contract administration process describe the way of managing the following aspects (with examples): ? Construction bonds, ? Delay’s analysis and extension of time. ? Construction variations, ? Claims.


12/4/2017 4:50:11 AM

Assignment Evaluation Grid- Task1 Tasks Bad/ poor Average Good Excellent 1. letter replying to the given Extract • reasonable response to the issue • clear language to reflect the intentions of writer • format including etiquettes and norms in letter writing 2. contractual reasoning • reasoning and justification of responses based on conations of contracts in JCT and NEC • clear description of differences and similarities in JCT and NEC, relevant to this scenario 40 25 10 5 60 35 25


12/4/2017 4:50:03 AM

dear sir i wont to make for me this assignment an all the information is in the fill that upload Task Very weak Weak Good Excellent Marks All ? Very weak analysis or Weak understanding and exposition of relevant issues ? A few relevant points but superficial/confused No grasp of analysis and many errors ? No evidence – poor understanding of class notes ? Poor or no use of data or examples ? Poor or no use of data and no references ? Weak understanding ? Too descriptive and analysis incomplete ? Some awareness but also confusing ? Arguments not clear ? No evidence - too reliant on class notes ? Superficial use and poorly referenced ? Good ? Attempts but with errors and omissions ? Shows awareness but limited ? Insufficient evidence ? Insufficient evaluation ? Some good but incomplete references ? Adequate awareness Evidence ? Clear awareness ? Good evaluation and synthesis ? Relevant and referenced

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