Reference no: EM133810276 , Length: word count:2500
The aim of Task 3 is for you to learn about and make the links between how our shared history and past Australian government policies - relating to Indigenous Australians, has generated the current politically engineered Indigenous Australian health crises. You will demonstrate your understanding and knowledge as well as application of Cultural Safety principles to decision making for healthcare.
Undeniably Australian Government policy from the past has directly impacted upon the health status of Indigenous Australians today - The focus of this assessment will be on: - ' Australian Indigenous Men and Women'.
"Discuss how the 'Policy of Assimilation 1961', (Copy located under Module 3 Learning Materials) has impacted on the overall health status of Australian Indigenous Men and Women today".
STEP 1 - It is important for health professionals to gain knowledge of the pre-invasion health status of the Australian Indigenous population to understand the impact caused by Australia's governmental policies. You should start your written assignment by identifying the pre-invasion health status of 'Australian Indigenous Peoples' (100 words).
STEP 2 - Provide background text outlining the current health status of Australian Indigenous Peoples and how this contrasts with their representation of health. Note - Indigenous Australian people have their own interpretation of health which contrasts greatly to the western medical model (100 words).
STEP 3 - Critically analyse and explain the intent of the Assimilation Policy of 1961 (use examples from the Assimilation Policy 1961 and from your Course Readings). Provide examples of how Assimilation practices have impacted on the health status of Australian Indigenous Peoples today (100 words).
STEP 4 - Identify and critically discuss the links between the intent of the Assimilation Policy of 1961 and the present health status of the Australian Indigenous Men and Women today specifically related to the following topics:
(For the following 900 words- students' needs to pay attention to ‘Racism' as being a ‘determinant of health' for Indigenous Australians in past and now present times).
Australian Indigenous Men in Sport - Racism impacting on their mental health and Identity (300 words).
Australian Indigenous Pregnant Women - Racism impacting on the physical health of them and their unborn baby (300 words).
Australian Indigenous Men and Women - Racism impacting on their health and wellbeing while engaging with health professionals during the COVID 19 pandemic response (300 words).
Trauma from Assimilation Policies has had a multigenerational effect on Australian Indigenous Peoples. If you work in Australia as a Registered Nurse/or Midwife - you will provide care for members of this cultural demographic. This means under the codes of Cultural Safety (2018), you must take responsibility for improving the cultural safety of health services and systems for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients and colleagues. You are required to provide care that is "holistic, free of bias and racism", and to recognise the importance of family, community, partnership, and collaboration in the healthcare decision-making of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. You must understand that ‘Closing the Gap' is high on the Australian Government agenda. Get Help Now!
STEP 5 - (Reflection) With this knowledge how can 'you' as a health professional such as a Registered Nurse or a Registered Midwife ensure that 'you' work with 'Australian Indigenous Peoples' in a culturally safe way to support the progress of "Closing the Gap" targets (800 words).
Your response should include reference to how you will apply the 5 principles of Cultural Safety (originating from Maori Scholar: I. Ramsden's 2002 work on Cultural Safety) in your future practice. Students can also use personal and professional experiences and reflections. Finally, as racism is a determinant of health, and against the codes of conduct, explain how you will report racist behaviour in the workplace and advocate for your Indigenous Australian clients and colleagues (Please note Ahpra's position on racism).
This section (Step 5 - 800 words) must be written in 1st person - not the entire written assignment. You will not receive marks for this section if written in 3rd person. Your written reflection needs to be evidenced based and referenced.
Please use referencing style - from the USC APA 7 Referencing Guide.