Reference no: EM133830166 , Length: word count:2500
Marketing Management
Question 1 Marketing professionals depend on various sources of data to construct research plans. These plans form the basis of marketing plansthat are very expensive to produce. These sources of data are known as Primary and Secondary data.
Required: (answer in 400-500 words combined for each section)
a) Explain the difference between the two sources and give examples of each.
b) Think carefully about qualitative and quantitative data. Can you suggest when qualitative and quantitative research would be best? Please give specific examples.
Question 2
We studied the "Model of Consumer Behavior". This model discusses marketing and other stimuli, consumer psychology & characteristics, the buying decision process and purchase decision.
Required: (answer in 400-500 words combined for each section)
a) Explain what each of these steps is and how they form a model that results in a purchase decision.
b) Analyse and comment on how the different elements of the model work, including specific comments about the impact of culture, need satisfaction, and personal motivation.
Question 3
We discussed the issue of demographics in our unit, including life stage, gender, income, generation, race & culture, and stage of age & lifestyle.
Required: (answer in 400-500 words combined for each section)
a) "Critically analyse how these demographic indicators are able to focus professional marketers with respect to product and potential markets.
b) Please use examples in your explanation focusing on the countries we have discussed in the tutorial, especially Japan and India.
Question 4
"Ben & Jerry's is a company that sells ice cream. Presently Ben & Jerry is using a form of marketing known as "cause marketing". This form of marketing supports a cause that is popular in broader society. The marketers focus their customers' attention on that cause rather than on their products.
The a/v below states that democracy in the USA is under pressure on account of the donation laws allowing rich billionaires to influence voting, e.g. Elon Musk has recently donated 380 million dollars to the election of Donald Trump. The attached YouTube video demonstrates that Ben & Jerry are keen observers of ethical politicking and donation transparency.
Required: (answer in 400-500 words combined for each section)
a) Analyse and examine the phenomenon of"cause marketing". Consider questions such as, "Is it ethical to tie the issues of a healthy democracy to selling ice cream"? Why does this combination work to increase awareness of a healthy democracy and sell ice cream? What are the drivers that promote this causality?
b) Use the informationwe have studied in this marketing unit toanalyse the marketing plan of Ben & Jerry's Co. Ltd. Look carefully at the concept of corporate social responsibility, increasing profits and making a better society, ‘doing well by doing good' and advocacy. Think carefully of the "Model of Consumer Behaviour" that we discussed and apply that theory to the issue.
Question 5
Starbucks in 2015 had 22 stores in Australia, a reduction from 60 stores. When it entered the Australian market, Starbucks had assumed it would automatically be successful given it was successful in so many other countries in the world. There has been a lot of criticism of how Starbucks managed their business in Australia. One of the criticisms was that Starbucks failed to recognize there was already a strong coffee culture in Australia. In retrospect, Starbucks appeared somewhat naïve when it entered the Australian market.
In 2015 Starbucks restructured its operations in Australia, selling part of the business to a local shareholder, the Withers Group, which has been in the grocery business in Australia for generations. Starbucks felt that it could learn from this Australian company. There are many more points of information in the YouTube a/v that you are expected to listen to and use in your answer."
Required: (answer in 400-500 words)
i. You have been appointed to the position of CEO of Starbucks Australia. Watch the following YouTube video: Starbucks Failure in Australia
ii. Carefullyread each section below and provide your full answer:
a) Evaluate why it is that Starbucks was not as successful as it should have been in Australia. Do you need urgent help? Get Solution Now!
b) Create an outline of a business and marketing plan for the company in order for it to expand its business in Australia.
c) Include in this plan an evaluation of the impact that Starbucks' concept of the café lifestyle had upon the performance of the brand.
d) Also consider the impacts of market segmentation and the development of new and different coffees.