Reference no: EM132284298 , Length: word count : 1000
In this Second Discussion Forum you will be carrying out and discussing the Case of Climate Change. However, You need to view much more by researching and revising the literature from many other sources to form comprehensive insight understanding
•Form a matrix to assess the level of complexity of the Climate Change case using one or more of the tools. Use your own as well as peer judgement to do so. See details below on what is required to carry on this assessment.
•Show who are those peers (name them) and present your assessment in details using relevant Tables and supplementary materials, references..
•Analyse and evaluate the type of complexity (structure, technical..) aspect in the Climate Change case in details.
•Write detailed explanation on why do you think so and provide supportive examples from the CC case by watching videos and reading materials on the case
• Based on your understanding, explain what type of varieties lead to this scenario,
•Draw a graph showing the external varieties affected the project (based on your understanding) and what actions should have been taken (Use the Ashby law concept)
•Summaries the complexity aspects of the project (CC) and
•Link back the essay topic and reinforce your key arguments like a mini conclusion on the case
How to assess the complexity Level at Climate Change Issue:
Sum up main complexity indicators involved (No less than Seven Indicators). See lecture Slides from Week Three.
Prepare a sheet including the indicators and ask people to rank their levels (scale from 1- 5)
Prepare a sheet naming all people you interviewed to assess the level of complexity. The sheet must include the following details:
Interviewee can be any one related to the unit (i.e. Students from the PPMP20014 at CQU, Tutors, Lecturers, Staff from the SET, and any others)
Name of the interviewee, Affiliation, Email Address, Time when and where did you interview them, and any other relevant details.
Need 1000 words
APA referencing style