Analyse and evaluate the resource implications

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM131786313 , Length: 4000 Words


Task 1
The strategic direction & strategic thinking of the company

Task 2
A detailed analysis of the industry in which the company is operating

Task 3
Further analysis of vision, mission & strategic capabilities

Task 4
Possible strategies that the company could follow

Task 5
Analyse and evaluating resource implications

Assignment Question

As a strategy consultant, you have been approached by the Board of Directors of an existing company to advise them on their future strategic direction. You are required to present your opinion, based upon researched evidence, in the form of a report to cover the following five tasks:

Task 1

- The strategic direction that the company has followed in the past and the way in which, strategic thinking has developed within the past 5 years.

(Approximately 500 words)

Task 2

A detailed analysis of the industry in which the company is operating to include:
- The choice and use of appropriate frameworks for strategic analysis.
- A critical discussion of the company's competitive advantage among its direct competitors
- The probable industry scenarios facing the company within its existing market domains.

Task 3

Further analysis with regard to:
-Whether their mission and vision statements are aligned to the demands of the marketplace.
-The company's strategic capabilities

Task 4

Discuss possible strategies that the company could follow to defend its core business.

Task 5

- In the light of your discussion in tasks 1-4 analyse and evaluate the resource implications of your recommendations that the company has to address. (Approximately 500 marks)

What is the report structure?

a) Front page: This should include the following;
- Title of the report
- Module name
- Student name
- Student ID
- Maximum word count= 3000

Reference no: EM131786313

Questions Cloud

Identify opportunities for additional exploitation : Identify how linkages between businesses are currently being exploited and identify opportunities for additional exploitation of cross-business linkages.
What is the standard deviation of the sample means : Consider all random samples of 64 test scores. What is the standard deviation of the sample means? (Round your answer to three decimal places)
Calculate the amount of gross margin on the income statement : Prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured and sold. Calculate the amount of gross margin on the income statement.
Complete the following probability distribution : Let the random variable x be the money you get or lose. Show all work. Just the answer, without supporting work, will receive no credit.
Analyse and evaluate the resource implications : Discuss possible strategies that the company could follow to defend its core business - evaluate the resource implications of your recommendations
What is the probability that the student has attendnance : At the end of the year, one student is selected at random from the school and he was found to have an A grade.
Complete the following probability distribution : Let the random variable x be the money you get or lose. Show all work. Just the answer, without supporting work, will receive no credit.
When is the one-way anova test used : What is the ANOVA test used for and what are its variants of use? When is the one-way ANOVA test used?
Find the mean and variance of x : There are 4 cards numbered 1,3,5,7. Two cards are drawn at random without replacement. Let X denote the sum of numbers on the two drawn cards.


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