Reference no: EM132590577 , Length: word count:1500
MIS603 Microservices Architecture - Torrens University
Assessment - Privacy and Security Report
Learning Outcome 1: Analyse and evaluate moral and ethical considerations in specific security and privacy issues while transitioning to new technologies.
Task Summary
You are required to research and write a report focused on the specific challenges and issues that arise owing to the use of microservices architecture as a software development philosophy. The report length is 1500 words (+/- 10%). You are also required to identify and include risk mitigation strategies that can be applied to minimise privacy and security risk in microservices-architected environments.
Microservices architecture signals a shift from monolithic software applications architecture to different microservices architected to address different functions. Not only is there a shift in how distribution of services impacts on managing security but hosting of services on cloud platforms not owned by the organisation, and the use of communication channels between services adds complexity to managing security.
Equally, additional complexity is provided through the rapid and incremental software development principles associated with Agile and DevOps methods. The organisation as an enterprise has several moral, ethical, and legal obligations regarding privacy and the security of information.
The purpose of this report is to engage you in building knowledge about privacy and security issues with a specific focus on how these manifest in a microservices-architected environment. You are also required to identify and discuss mitigations available to better manage privacy and security risk for the organisation in relation to microservices architecture. Irrespective of your future role, many organisations make it clear that privacy and security is every employee's concern.
1. Write a 1500-word report focused on the specific challenges and issues that arise owing to the use of microservices architecture as a software development philosophy. Identify and include risk mitigation strategies that can be applied to minimise privacy and security risk in microservices-architected environments.
2. Whilst this is not a continuation of the case covered in Assignment 1 Part B, you might have developed insights when completing the Assessment 1 Part B Case Study that can enrich this assessment. Please review your notes to ensure that you have identified any context-based insights from Assessment 1 Part B Case Study that can inform this assessment. Re-read any relevant readings and conduct additional research in the area of investigation and select five additional sources that will add value to your report in the relevant area of investigation.
3. Plan how you will structure your ideas for your report and write a report plan before you start writing.
4. The report should consist of the following structure:
A title page with the subject code and name, assignment title, student's name, student number, and lecturer's name.
The introduction (200-250 words) that will also serve as your statement of purpose for the report-this means that you will tell the reader what you are going to cover in your report. You will need to inform the reader of:
a. Your area of research and its context
b. The key concepts you will be addressing
c. What the reader can expect to find in the body of the report
The body of the report (1000-1100 words) will need to respond to the following:
a. The specific issues and challenges that arise owing to the use of microservices architecture for software development as opposed to those that arise in service- oriented architecture or monolithic application architecture
b. Potential privacy issues that may arise owing to these security issues/challenges
c. The reason for these issues/challenges and potential mitigations to manage the risk for both privacy and security
The conclusion (200-250 words) will summarise any findings or recommendations that the report puts forward regarding the concepts covered in the report.
5. Format of the report
The report should use font Arial or Calibri 11 point, be line spaced at 1.5 for ease of reading, and have page numbers on the bottom of each page. If diagrams or tables are used, due attention should be given to pagination to avoid loss of meaning and continuity by unnecessarily splitting information over two pages. Diagrams must carry the appropriate captioning.
6. Referencing
There are requirements for referencing this report using APA referencing style and it is expected that you reference any lecture notes used and five additional sources in the relevant subject area based on readings and further research.
Attachment:- Microservices Architecture.rar