Reference no: EM132309511
Information Security Management Assignment -
1. Analyse and evaluate an information security baseline(s) policy.
2. Update an information security baseline(s) policy.
3. Analyse the importance of security awareness as a protective action for incidents.
- Task 1: the Student needs to submit a work proposal for this assignment.
- Task 2: the Student needs to write a report based on analyzing an existing policy and update a current policy.
- Task 3: the Student needs to write a report about security awareness as a protective action for incidents in organizations.
Task 1 - Submit a work proposal for this assignment which must include:
- Understanding of deliverables - a detail description of deliverables
- General overview of proposed plan - initial understanding of solution to all the tasks
- Timeline for assignment works
- Resources identified
Task 2 - With so much of the business world running on computer systems, it has never been more important for companies to build security into their information system. Security policies are a vital part of the business world today, and it is vital that every member of the executive staff and management team understand the importance of keeping data safe and secure. In this context, select an MEC security policy e.g: acceptable use policy, privacy policy, access control policy, password policy, Email policy, and backup and recovery policy, incident management policy (Note, policies are available on MEC IT portal and copies are available on the Moodle). Then consider the following tasks:
Task 2.A: Analyze and evaluate the existing policy.
(Hint: your analysis should consider the importance, structure, strengths, and weaknesses of your selected policy)
Task 2.B: Update your selected policy according to NIST template.
(Hint: your update should increase the strengths and improve the weaknesses of the current version.)
Task 3 - Most of information security incidents happen due to lack of user awareness.
Refereeing to at least three research papers, write a report about the importance of information security awareness in an organization to reduce the number of incidents.
(Hint: your report should discuss the role of training, education and awareness and different delivery methods of information security awareness. Your report should be between two to three pages.)