Reference no: EM132373547
Assessment Specification
Assignment 1 - Project Proposal - 800 to 1200 words
Student performs initial investigation and planning for the proposed project.
The proposal should:
• Adequate understanding about background, client profile and their operation.
• Clearly define purpose, scope, objectives and exclusion of the selected project.
• If you are working on an existing project provided in VU Collaborate. Details on the improvement and upgrade over the existing systems should be provided. Discuss ethical issues in relation to using resources and material developed by others in your project.
• Project start-up plan including: assumptions, constraint, deliverables, schedule, budget, resources roles and responsibility. Explanation and justification must be provided for each item.
• Propose a meeting schedule for the group, which can take place in side class room or at other time. Including Date, Time, Items to be discussed / actioned.
• At least 6 references must be used, including 3 scholarly references. (Harvard Referencing Style)
Marking criteria are provided in Assignment 1 Marking Rubric
Assignment 2 - System Analysis and Design, Project Documentation 4000 to 5000 words
This document should cover but not limit to the following points:
• What is system development approach was used (agile or other traditional approaches) for your project and why this approach is used?
• What are the functional requirements? Data requirement description, including either structured paradigm (ER diagram, Data Flow Diagram, etc...) or object oriented paradigm (UML diagram, etc...). Define all the data (Data Types and Sizes) in your database
• Overall use case diagram and detail description and explanation of each use case.
• What are non-functional requirements for the proposed system? Such as Look and Feel Requirements, Usability and Humanity Requirements, Performance Requirements, Operational Requirements, Maintainability and Support Requirements, Security Requirements, Cultural and Political Requirements, Legal Requirements, etc..
• System navigation and user interface design, including sketches, screenshot or storyboard.
• Analyse and estimate the associated cost of the project.
• Show a work breakdown structure and a project schedule (as a Gantt Chart). Explain and the schedule and discus how they relate to the current project.
• Any issue needs consideration such as risks, cutover, over budget, new problems, etc.... Provide your explanation of the issues and justification of possible solution.
• A table showing detailed information about the contribution for each member to the System Analysis and design stage should be provided. Members of the same group may receive different marks depending on the contribution to the project. (Student may be interviewed to demonstrate their understanding about the part which they contributed)
• At least 12 references must be used, including 6 scholarly references. (Harvard Referencing Style)
• If you are working on an existing project provided in VU Collaborate. Critical Analysis on the limitation existing system should be provided. Details on the improvement and upgrade of your new system should be clearly clarified.
Marking criteria are provided in Assignment 2 Marking Rubric
Assignment 3 -
• System Delivery:
o The final system should be submitted to the lecturer using appropriate format (such as CD- ROM, USB, Online System access) depending on the nature of the developed system.
o The developed system should contain adequate technical content to demonstrate your skills gained from the course. In general, a system with low technical content would not receive a high mark.
• Project Evaluation Report: (2000 to 2500 words) may include but not limited to the following points:
o Present in detail what have been done for the project: implementation processes, testing
o Is the system is completely finished? If not, why?
o Compare the actually time spent with the planned schedule/timeline. Which step is take longer or shorter time than expected?
o Any challenge or problem arises during the implementation and testing? What solution you proposed to overcome such challenges/problems.
o The strengths and limitations of your product, future improvements and lessons learned during the process of completing the project.
o Critically-reflect on how you have applied computer ethics in developing your system.
o At least 6 references must be used, including 3 scholarly references. (Harvard Referencing Style)
• User Manual:
o User guide, administrator guide, installation etc.
• E-Poster:
o Design a poster to advertise about your system. Highlight its features and benefit.
• Project Progress Documentation:
o Record of Meeting Minutes to document date and time of each group meeting for the project. Member attendance and reason for absence. Meeting Minutes must be posted to VU Collaborate Discussion Forum after each meeting throughout the semester.
• Work Load Allocation:
o A table showing task assignment for the system development for each member should be provided. Note that all members need to be involved in the development of the system including technical parts such as programming. Members of the same group may receive different final marks depending on the contribution to the project. (Student may be interviewed to demonstrate their understanding about the part which they contributed)
Report Layout
Project proposal and reports should be submitted in Word or PDF format. The reports should cover but not limited to the criteria as outlined above. Students decide their own report structure and content depending on the need and characteristic of their project. However, a typical report should contain the following basic sections:
• Cover Page with clear details of course title/name, student number/name, lecturer & tutor (Provided in template file) - *Not for word count.
• Table of Content
• Introduction
o Presents the aims of the report and outline report structure.
• Body Section:
o Depending on the content of each report as outlined in the above sections. However, sections and subsections should be formatted and numbered properly.
o Figures, photos and drawing should be used where appropriate to demonstrate your idea and the product.
• Conclusion
o What was covered in the report?
o Present your reflections (e.g. achievement, limitation).
o What is to be done in the next?
• References (must complete by showing 1 or more references with their related in-text citations) *Not for word count