Analyse an emerging developing economy and a developed

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133509115

Question 1: Analyse an emerging/developing economy and a developed economy as a possible site for a firm to establish a subsidiary.

• 'Emerging/Developing': Colombia

• 'Developed': Singapore

Question 2: Assume that you are responsible for a large Australian manufacturing firm that is keen to internationalise by establishing a subsidiary (office) in the host economy. Consider the following issues that would help you make such a business decision:

• In the context of political factor, what are the advantages and disadvantages of investing in each economy?

Question 3: The report should be a balanced consideration of the potential positive and negative aspects of each economy. Consider the opportunities and the risks for each economy. It should be a balanced consideration of the overall prospects for successful investment there.

Question 4: List all of the references and (please include in text referenced) referred to in the report. The minimum number of references is 7


Reference no: EM133509115

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