Reference no: EM133001734
MGT605 Business Capstone Project
Assignment - Project Proposal/Plan
Learning Outcome 1: Develop and articulate a theoretical or practical perspective on management issues through a substantial applied project
Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrate collaborative leadership and ownership in the preparation of a significant original body of practical or theoretical work
Learning Outcome 3: Use specialist research skills to analyse a complex management problem and then synthesise the research, communicating it effectively to both specialist and lay audiences
This subject allows the student to synthesise the knowledge and skills gained from all other subjects studied up to that point. The main deliverable in the subject is a major project. In this first assessment, the project is proposed.
Managers have to deal with business issues all the time. These issues can be in the form of a problem such as high employee turnover. The issues can also be in the form of an opportunity such as introducing a product to take advantage of a gap in the market. Whether the issue is a problem or an opportunity, a manager always needs to study the issue carefully before making and implementing a decision.
In this subject, you will find such a business issue (of your choice) and to perform detailed study leading into specific recommendations.
In this assessment, you are required to propose how you are going to study a real-life business/management issue (problem or opportunity) of your choice. Before you can do that, you first need to identify a project idea on which to develop your project proposal.
You are armed with the knowledge from all your previous MBA subjects. In addition to that, you will identify a business issue (problem or opportunity) to study. Before you study the issue, it is essential that you chart a pathway of how you are going to conduct the study.
Before you complete this assessment, it is essential that you understand what a project proposal means in this context. Note that a proposal is not the study itself, but it is a proposed plan explaining how the study is going to be conducted. It is a proposed pathway for the study.
Thus a proposal should introduce and then set the scope of the project. It includes answering the questions such as:
What is the background of the project? What is the issue (problem or opportunity)? What is the aim statement?
What theory (from your MBA subjects) relate to this project? What data will be collected, from where and how?
How will the data be analysed and what tools and concepts (from your MBA subjects) will be applied?
What is the timeline of the project?
Attachment:- Business Capstone Project.rar