Reference no: EM132603725
ENGT5146 Building Physics - De Montfort University
Assignment : Climate and thermal analysis
Learning outcome 1: Analyse a climate data set to explain its main characteristics.
Learning outcome 2: Estimate the fabric heat flows of buildings.
Learning outcome 3: Compare effects of sol-air and air temperature on heat loss calculation.
Learning outcome 4: Carry out calculations of solar geometry.
Learning outcome 5: Produce a succinct, well structured and well presented client report.
Assignment Tasks to be undertaken:
Suppose you have been asked to analyse an office building in Bournemouth on the south coast of England. You are to write a short report analysing the local climate, and some thermal characteristics of a section of a building. Total marks are 100. Details of the building are given in the Appendix.
Your report should cover the following:
Task 1
Climate data for Portsmouth (the nearest available weather station) have been uploaded on Blackboard, from the University of Exeter1 - note terms and conditions. You are to make an analysis of the Portsmouth climate data and present a number of statistical analyses of the weather variables. You are to comment on the data and explain the nature of the climate and its suitability for passive ventilation approaches to domestic building design. The analysis you present should at least include:
• A histogram and cumulative frequency curve calculated from the annual dry-bulb temperature data
• A plot of monthly minimum, maximum and mean dry-bulb temperatures.
• A histogram of wind speeds.
You should provide comment on the data and can refer to other sources of information regarding climate type and regional characteristics and variations in climate - use footnotes for these.
Task 2 - Heat loss analysis
A student Study Room forms part of a larger building, and is to be analysed thermally; see Appendix for details. You can assume that the adjacent spaces, and spaces below, are at the same temperature as the Study Room, for the purposes of thermal analysis. Note there is glazing as shown on the south- west, and on the opposite north-east façade (not visible on image). You may use the dimensions given for all calculations, ignoring the reduction in internal dimensions due to construction thicknesses.
a) Calculate the U value of the external walls.
b) Calculate the Heat Loss Coefficient and Heat Loss Parameter (Lesson 2.6) for this space.
c) Calculate heat loss for an internal temperature of 21°C and external temperature of -2°C.
d) Describe how solar radiation would affect the fabric heat loss, with reference to the sol-air temperature, and how, qualitatively, the sol-air temperature would vary with orientation at
09.00 and 16.00 on a sunny winter's day. No calculations are required.
Task 3 solar analysis
a) Find the sun position at 14.30 on October 15th; use the actual location for this. Hence find the incidence angle of the sun on the SW façade and the roof, assuming a clear sky.
b) For this time, describe the main heat flows in and out of the building.
c) Describe how the colours of the walls and roof affect these heat flows, in the short and long wave.
Marks will be given for clarity of writing, structure, formatting, and numbering.
Your report must cover all the Tasks. It must not be longer than 8 pages in total, including the title page. You do not need a separate page for table of contents. Pages beyond the limit of 8 will incur a penalty of -2 marks per extra page. Do not use appendices.
Use a style appropriate to a client report (i.e. formal, factual and to the point). You may choose the format. Include page numbers.
Use of graphs and tables will be helpful, but these should be produced by you and not from third parties. They should be numbered Figure 1, Table 1 etc. - use of ‘insert Caption' is recommended for Word users.
You should use Arial, Times New Roman or similar font of size no less than 11 points. Leave a space between paragraphs.
Your report should not have any appendices, or an executive summary, but must include the following, in this order (including your own headings):
• Title page (include your name, course code, module name, month and year of submission)
• Introduction
• [your chosen headings]
• Conclusions and Recommendations
Avoid repeating large amounts of information or drawings from the Brief - you can refer to it. You do not need to include references.Assignment: Design analysis of house in different climates
Learning outcome 1: Articulation of the interaction between building fabric/form and external weather.
Learning outcome 2: Application of calculation methods for heat, light and ventilation, to characterise building performance.
Learning outcome 3: Evaluation of the effect of climate on building design
Learning outcome 4: Ability to write a client report giving recommendations for maximising the benefits of sunlight while minimizing overheating risk.
Assignment B Tasks to be undertaken:
Solar gains can be beneficial in winter to offset demand for heating in colder climates, but can contribute to overheating in the summer. Avoiding overheating due to solar gains is a key design requirement to minimise the use of mechanical cooling and reduce energy consumption by cooling systems.
Good low energy design will seek to minimise the effect of excessive solar gains in summer by appropriate orientation, massing and selection of the building façade. Your role as a consultant is to advise on suitable orientation and construction methods for a case study dwelling to
a) benefit from solar gains and natural daylight when appropriate (i.e. in colder months) and b) do not suffer from problems of excessive gains in summer.
The Base Case building for analysis is a semi-detached bungalow (single storey). You need to provide your recommendations for Manchester, England. You will also need to provide a short analysis of how the building design might be modified for a different location and climate.
Case Study: A floor plan of the case study dwelling along with all the dimensions that you need are given in the appendix. All windows are manually controlled by the occupants.
These have 6 mm hard coat low emissivity double glazing with internal blinds. None of the doors has any glazing. There is no external shading, other than the roof eaves which project 25cm beyond the wall. The tops of the windows are just below the eaves. Assume the house is occupied by two adults and two children, and everyone is out of the house between 08.30 and 16.00 in a normal working week. Assume the dwelling is built to 2013 Part L Building Regulations insulation standards. (You do not need to calculate heat loss, but this information may be useful in your analysis.)
You should produce a report to cover the following tasks. This should be done for two rooms, one on the north and one on the south side; state which you have chosen and use the same pair for each task - except Task 7, one room only.
Task 1
Identify the main sources of heat gain during summer and their likely operation/ occupancy profile in the two rooms of your choice, including occupants and lighting.
Task 2
For the two rooms, calculate internal casual gains per unit floor area from equipment, people and lighting that you identified in Task 1. You should use method b (detailed method) and data given in section 5.2 of CIBSE TM37 (2006), stating any assumptions you make and any formula that you use (ignore minor items of a few watts). Give data on an hourly basis for one weekday. You should also provide references for the values that you use in your calculations if not from TM37.
Task 3
For both rooms calculate solar gains (solar load) per unit floor area for a peak summer day for Manchester, for the orientation shown. Calculating solar gains are explained in section 5 of CIBSE TM37 (2006). You can ignore shading from other buildings.
For the external irradiances for a peak July day (for different locations) you should refer
to Table 5.2 of CIBSE TM37 (2006).
Task 4
For both rooms calculate the total gains (solar plus internal gains from equipment, people and lighting) and compare the total load with the maximum recommended value in Approved Document L2A*. You then need to select the most suitable orientation that could maximise use of solar gains in winter while avoid overheating in summer.
*The combined solar and internal casual gains on peak summer days (corrected for
geographical location) should not be greater than 35 W/??" of floor area in each occupied space.
Task 5
For both rooms, calculate how much natural ventilation might be possible for a summer night, in terms of m3.s-1, making reasonable assumptions about window openings.
Comment on the practicalities and usefulness of this ventilation, the effect of wind direction, and limitations of the design for this type of ventilation.
Task 6
Investigate the climate of Munich, Germany on and note briefly how this differs from Manchester. Identify the key energy and comfort design issues. Suggest how you might modify the design and services of this house for the Munich climate (no calculations required; not more than 250 words for this task).
Task 7
Calculate the average daylight factors for one only of your two rooms, and comment on the suitability of level of daylight. You can refer to section 3.4.3 of CIBSE lighting guide 10 (2014) for the calculation of average daylight factors. How will these be affected by different climates and locations?
All the work must be submitted as a single report. Marks will be given for clarity of writing, structure, formatting, and numbering. Your report must cover all the Tasks. It must not be longer than 8 pages in total, including the title page, and not more than 3000 words. You do not need a separate page for table of contents. Pages beyond the limit of 8 will incur a penalty of -2 marks per extra page.
Use a style appropriate to a client report (i.e. formal, factual and to the point). You may choose the format. Include page numbers. Use of graphs and tables will be helpful, but these should be produced by you and not from third parties. They should be numbered Figure 1, Table 1 etc. - use of ‘insert Caption' is recommended for Word users.
You should use Arial, Times New Roman or similar font of size no less than 11 points. Leave a space between paragraphs. Your report should not have any appendices, or an executive summary, but must include the following, in this order (including your own headings):
• Title page (include your name, course code, module name, month and year of submission)
• Introduction
• [your chosen headings]
• Conclusions and Recommendations
• References
Attachment:- Climate and thermal analysis.rar