Anal aggressive vs. anal retentive

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Reference no: EM13342311

What is Cathexis, and how does it come into play in Freud’s psychosexual stages of development? Discuss the fixation of libidinal energy in the anal stage and what it looks like in adult personalities (hint: anal aggressive vs. anal retentive).

Reference no: EM13342311

Questions Cloud

Despite the criticism leveled at freuds theory : Despite the criticism leveled at Freud’s theory of the unconscious for being unmeasurable he is still considered to be the single most influential person in the field of psychology. Why is that, in your opinion?
How does each perspective support their argument : Trait psychology rests on the assumption that personality is stable across time and situation. Compare this notion with the Buddhist view of personality and subjectivity. How does each perspective support their argument?
Best captures the force behind altruism : Explain how the Buddhist perspective and the Evolutionary perspective differ in terms of why people perform acts of altruism. Which perspective, in your opinion, best captures the force behind altruism, and why
Strengths and useful qualities of the trait perspective : What are the strengths and useful qualities of the Trait Perspective? What are its drawbacks and shortcomings? In your opinion, can it be used as a standalone determinant of a person’s qualities as an individual?
Anal aggressive vs. anal retentive : What is Cathexis, and how does it come into play in Freud’s psychosexual stages of development? Discuss the fixation of libidinal energy in the anal stage and what it looks like in adult personalities (hint: anal aggressive vs. anal retentive).
Overestimate the impact of negative events : Describe two reasons why affective forecasting research shows people to overestimate the impact of negative events.
Zajoncas and lazarusas theories of emotion and cognition : What is the central point of tension between Zajoncâ's and Lazarusâ's theories of emotion and cognition? What is one possible resolution to this tension?
What is the relationship between the brain and the mind : What is the relationship between the brain and the mind? How does the brain construct our understanding of the actions of other people? Is this different from the way in which the brain constructs our understanding of the physical environment? Explai..
Value in having different personalities part of your team : People have different roles to play—do you think they all can contribute ? What is the value in having different personalities as part of your team ? How do you ensure that you have a balanced team in your working environment ensuring true harmony fo..


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