An overview detailing all the aspects of the plan

Assignment Help Management Information Sys
Reference no: EM132012570

Final presentation

The fourth and final phase is to create a professional presentation of no more than 10 slides to serve as an executive overview detailing all the aspects of the plan.

Remember that your presentation is the first item the team will look at, so try to capture all the ideas in a concise way to make the team eager to read the memo, the budget and consider your plan.

Case Study: National Infrastructure Protection Plan

On your first day as an Information Systems Security director, you met with the Chief Information Officer. During the meeting, he revealed to you his deep concerns about the Infrastructure Protection Plan. He asked you to read the Department of Homeland Security. (2009). National Infrastructure Protection Plan. Focus more on chapter 6: Ensuring an Effective, Efficient Program Over the Long Term.

Since he realizes that you are new to this position he asked you to deliver the final plan, memo and budget in 7 weeks (week 8) but he setup 3 checkpoints for you to deliver parts of the plan to ensure consistent progress of the deliverables before the big presentation in week 8.

Phase 1: Memo -due in week 3

In this phase, you need to create 3-5 page professional memo about your assessment of what needs to be done to meet the standards based on the National Infrastructure Protection Plan. You need to make sure that the language in the memo is clear of free of errors. You also need to be creative in presenting this information to capture the most important points from the National Infrastructure Protection Plan.

You need to demonstrate critical thinking to prioritize the action items based on your findings.

Phase 2: Communication plan -due in week 5

In this phase, you need to communicate with your troops about the National Infrastructure Protection Plan, through your information in the memo. The communication plan should involve a diagram showing the flow of information, the timing of the communication as well as the media of the communication. You also need to submit drafts of any communication pieces of your communication plan.

Phase 3: Budget forecasts -due in week 7

In phase 3, you need to create a Spreadsheet to capture the financial components involved in the plan. Please be sure to cover all the items you included in your memo and in your communication. Also, this is the time to amend your memo based on the budget if you need to do so.

Phase 4: Final presentation -due in week 9

The fourth and final phase is to create a professional presentation of 8 to 10 slides to serve as an executive overview detailing all the aspects of the plan. Remember that your presentation is the first item the team will look at, so try to capture all the ideas in a concise way to make the team eager to read the memo, the budget and consider your plan.

Reference no: EM132012570

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