An isosceles triangle with given one vertex angle

Assignment Help Mathematics
Reference no: EM131093993

 1. To construct – An isosceles triangle with given one vertex angle and sides. 

2. To construct – A triangle of angle . 

3 .To Construct – A segment of length .Refer to the figure given in the textbook

4. To construct – A segment of length .

5. To find – Construct a segment of length n such that

6. To construct – Any triangle circumscribe about a circle. 

7. Consider the figure below,  


8.  To find – the perpendicular bisector of triangle intersect at point on hypotenuse 9. Given – An isosceles triangle of length 5, 5 and 8.  To find – Length of the median 

10. Given – Points R and S in the z-plane.

     To find – locus of points in Z and equidistant from given points.


Reference no: EM131093993

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