Reference no: EM13843342
Assignments are essentially one continuous research project, beginning with an introduction to a general subject (2), an introduction to a topic within that subject (3), and a focused treatment of a specific sub-topic within that topic (4).
• A2: Cryptozoology
• A3: Bigfoot
• A4: The Patterson-Gimlin Film
General Objectives:
Assignments 2 and 3 will function as introductions to your subject/topic. These are not argumentative/persuasive papers, only informative. In other words, these assignments will simply answer the question, "What is ____________?" for an audience that knows little or nothing about the subject/topic. In Assignment 4, you will take a position and argue it based on your research.
Subjects for Assignment:
Alternative Medicine
Psychic Abilities
It is important that you do some preliminary research on possible topics for Assignment , as some topics provide more material, while others are dead ends. For example, there is a wealth of material/theories on the JFK assassination, but Michael Jackson's death -- not so much.
Pre-writing Assignment:
Within your chosen Subject, find a minimum of two possible topics for Assignments . List these in a Word document (like the example above) and submit to the dropbox provided before Thursday's class.
Compute the missing amounts for year nine and ten
: Selected income statement information for Novo Limited (Novo), a Hong Kong personal computer manufacturer, for the years ended March 31, Years 9 and 10 appears below. Compute the missing amounts for Year 9 and Year 10.
Complete synopsis-changing the business model
: Write a complete synopsis. Using the Week 1 Addendum, identify their resources, capabilities, and core competencies. Write one finding of fact, with a fully justified recommendation/justification
How do shifting employee demographics influence
: How do shifting employee demographics influence total reward programs? What adjustments, if any, should an organization make to its total reward program when the organization experiences a change in employee demographics? Provide an example that illu..
Relationship between capacity utilization and idle time
: What is Cycle Time what does it mean? How is it determined before balancing a line, and after the line is balanced? How is Capacity Utilization determined in the Job Shop, and the Assembly Line? What, if any, is the relationship between capacity util..
An introduction to a topic within that subject
: an introduction to a topic within that subject
What are sequencing and priority rules
: What are Sequencing/Priority Rules? What are they used for? What, if any, is (are) the difference(s) between Sequencing Rules and Measures of Performance? How are they related? In Trend Projection forecasting, how are the constants, a and b interpret..
Closest representation of your organizations current model
: Defining the roles and responsibilities. Selecting the right organization structure, Putting the right skills and talent in place; compare your current or past employer's present, past, and potential future organizational structures: Which figure is ..
Total amount of tobacco produced in the
: Open the file US Tobacco, which contains data on the total amount of tobacco produced in the US. a. Make a scatter graph of the data with trendline. Copy and paste your graph here.
Exponential smoothing forecasting function
: If we forecast $100,000 sales for July, we actually sold $200,000 in July, and we want an exponential smoothing forecasting function with the highest noise dampening among @=0.1, @=0.3, @=0.5; if you can, forecast August sales. If you cannot, state w..