An int representing the value stored inside the node

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13334366

In Java, code a doubly linked, sorted list (in ascending order). Each item of the list will just store an int. You need to code three classes: Nade, SortedList, and GroupProject. The Node class has three instance variables, all private: an int representing the value stored inside the Node, a Node (next), another Node (previous).

The methods to code are: constructor (at least one), accessors, mutators.

The SortedList class is a doubly linked list, sorted in a ascending order. It has two instance bariables, both private:

an int representing the number of items in the list

a Node, representing the head node in the list

The mthods to code are

insert, delete, toString, constructor.

All methods should keep the list sorted in ascending order .

Reference no: EM13334366

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