Reference no: EM132290480
Caveat emptor,' or Buyer Beware,' is a term generally used for acquisitions. In its broader sense it can be applied to political philosophies and religious persuasions.
In an era of electronic media, there is an ever-increasing danger for the unsophisticated reader/viewer/believer to accept what is being presented, the Applewhite/Hale Bopp case resulting in the voluntary deaths of thirty-seven people.
The devices used in the advertising media, whether blatant or subtle, are also used in propaganda, and to an extent in religion.
Pick one of the following areas (persons, institutions, or products) for an 8-page paper
- A major political figure in recent times, e.g. Mao Tse Tsung,
- A major religious figure, e.g. the Pope, Rev. Robert Schuller, or any any other televangelist
- A specific religion, e.g. Latter Day Saints, or a smaller off-shoot religion; An in-depth study of mass advertising for a single product, e.g. Apple computers.
Your paper should include common devices used- images, repetition, sounds, color, and language- for shaping a reality and perpetuating power relationships
Video tapes to be shown:
Leni Riefenstahl ( the use of film for propaganda in the Third Reich in Nazi Germany) "Writers & Revolutionaries, " The Pacific Century Series. (Lu Xun, China's greatest modern writer, and Kita Ikki, Japan's radical philosopher).
From Govier, Selected Issues in Logic and communication.
Critical Thinking in the Electronic Era";
"Mass Media and International Conflict
"Propaganda Talk." (handout)