An important healthcare finance problem or challenge

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Reference no: EM13891070

Unit IV Research Paper Outline

Theresearch paper in this course gives you the opportunity to study an important healthcare finance problem or

challenge, analyze it in depth, and present your findings in an APA-formatted paper due in Unit VIII.

Any topic introduced in this course may be selected for your paper. It is a good idea to conduct Internet research on potential topics that you

are considering for your research paper before selecting one. You will want to determine that plenty of information is

available online for incorporation into your paper.In preparing for the research paper, you will submit your research paper outline which will critically analyze issues related to your topic.

The research paper outline you submit must meet the following requirements:

?be at least one page in length (not including the cover and reference pages),

?include an original thesis,

?describe the approach that you will take to research the subject thesis,

?describe key methodologies for the practical application of financial management in healthcare organizations,

?discuss the future of healthcare financial management in the United States, and

?include five references.

Reference no: EM13891070

Questions Cloud

What is the marketplace for individuals? : What is the marketplace for individuals?
Explain the functions and patterns of dating : Explain the functions and patterns of dating, Describe the process of falling in love and Distinguish between what it means to love and to like someone.
The objective is to provide your own unique insights : Watch this video and write a 2 page paper on the bullet points below. : objective is to provide your own unique insights.  Please do not summarize the video in your essay.
Can he avoid liability as an innocent spouse : Mr. BL had no idea his wife had gone to such lengths on his behalf. After auditing this return, the IRS notified Mr. BL that he owed a $1,100 deficiency plus interest because of the unreported tip income. Can he avoid liability as an innocent spouse?..
An important healthcare finance problem or challenge : Unit IV Research Paper Outline Theresearch paper in this course gives you the opportunity to study an important healthcare finance problem or challenge, analyze it in depth, and present your findings in an APA-formatted paper due in Unit VIII.
Compute the sellers expected revenue : Compute the sellers expected revenue if the number of bidders goes to infinity - Show that the equilibrium strategies obtained above (for both first- and second-price auctions) still hold under any tie-breaking rule.
What methods of data collection were used in these articles : Find three peer-reviewed articles (one that has used a quantitative approach, one that has used a qualitative approach, and one that has incorporated both approaches.) Summarize these three articles.
A brief historical background of the american academy : A brief historical background of the American Academy of Pediatrics
What is appropriate amount of cost to be reported in renter : What is the appropriate amount of cost to be reported in Renter Co.'s balance sheet (at the time the lease was signed) with respect to this asset?


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