An essay on a participatory programm during one''s education

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Reference no: EM1311546 , Length: 1014 words

Topic : An essay on a participatory programm during one's education.

"This essay talk about the school. In an essay, make your own argument about one aspect of education. Write about a views of education that you know something about or that you are interested in learning more about. You may want to focus your argument on a school program that you have participated in,such as ESL-Bridge,etc.

You need to get a clear stand and prove your stand with good evidende. Your dissetation could be something like the following: ESL- Bridge is an effective program because,need strong supporting evidence. You could use facts, statistics,examples or information from the magazines.

The readers need to hear your own argument in your own words as well. Keep a balance between your ideas and source information.

You are required to use at least one source for this essay.

Use transition words and pharses between paragraghs and between ideas within paragraghs."

Reference no: EM1311546

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