Reference no: EM13373875
An association of home builders is interested in knowing how private housing starts (PHS) are influenced by mortgage interest rates (MR) and the level of income (INC). Using quarterly data for 10 years, the following multiple regression model was estimated:
PHS = a + b1MR + b2INC.
Your expectation is that the slope term for the mortgage rate should be negative, whereas the slope term for the income variable should be positive. The following estimation results were obtained:
Variable Coefficient Standard Error T-statistic Significance
CONST -325.679 314.562 -1.03534 .307
MR -29.7924 4.97884 -5.98381 .000
INC .110325 .336273E-01 3.28081 .003
No. of Observations = 40 R2 = .4986 (adj) = .4715
Sum of Sq. Resid. = 231958. Std. Error of Reg. = 79.1779
Durbin-Watson = 1.84280
F(2, 37) = 18.3945
Significance = .000003
a) Test the null hypotheses that the slope terms are individually insignificant using one-tailed t-tests using a .05 level of significance.
b) Evaluate the quality of the model.