An assignment on business operation training

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Reference no: EM13784056

Business Operation Training Pin It You are an internal consultant working for a large organization.

Top management believes all managers should understand how and why they operate the business in the manner they do.

You have been asked to create a document to be used in an internal training program for newly appointed or newly hired managers.

The company develops its strategic/business plans, objectives, and goals on the basis of competitor strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis.

The training program will focus on this process. Respond to the four (4) elements as described below, each in its own dedicated section

1. On the basis of the research, generically explain the difference between mission and vision statements.

Provide two examples (of mission and vision statements) of two actual companies and compare and contrast the statements of the two companies.

2. Explain the difference between the purpose of a business strategy and a business model. Provide examples (of the business strategy and the business model) of two actual companies, discussing them.

3. After researching the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis, explain each element, describing how each might be used to gain a competitive advantage.

4. Discuss why each level of an organization must set goals that support the overall organizational goals (i.e., goal alignment) and ramifications for the organization if they are not aligned.

Need a 3 page essay in APA format Criteria Points Explained the difference between vision and mission statements. 12 Explained the difference between the purpose of a business strategy and a business model. 

Explained each element of a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis, describing how each might be used to gain a competitive advantage. 28 Discussed why each level of an organization must set goals that support the overall organizational goals (i.e., goal alignment) and ramifications for the organization if they are not aligned. 28

Reference no: EM13784056

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