Amy herman-visual intelligence

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Reference no: EM133345962

Amy Herman: Visual Intelligence

1. What TWO points stood out to you the most? Why did you select these points?

2. How does the video relate to the formal or critical analysis described in your textbook reading?

3. What did the video teach you about observation that you can relate to in a personal way?

Reference no: EM133345962

Questions Cloud

Explain and evaluate the distribution channels available : Explain and evaluate the distribution channels available to accommodation suppliers to access a particular market segment of your choice. In your essay,
Should american corrections abandon retribution : Based on what you have learned, should American corrections abandon retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, or rehabilitation?
How many kanbans are needed : The manager has assigned a safety factor of 0.50. Standard containers are designed to hold seven dozen pieces each. The cycle time for a kanban is 111 minutes.
Why is there something, rather than nothing : Does the world really exist and Why is there something, rather than nothing - Do we have free will
Amy herman-visual intelligence : What did the video teach you about observation that you can relate to in a personal way?
What is our place in the universe : What is the meaning of life and What is our place in the universe? Question 3. What is consciousness?
Describe the system implementation and operation in sdlc : Describe the system implementation and operation in SDLC
Who may not share your religious beliefs : If you oppose it on religious grounds, are you worried that that reason imposes your religion on individuals who may not share your religious beliefs
Bracketing grave moral questions : Bracketing Grave Moral Questions in Michael Sandel's Justice Reader. What is Sandel's argument in regard to the subject


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