Reference no: EM133236138
Tutor, based on the weekly material readings, it still leaves unanswered questions. Please provide a detailed explanation of the question listed below. We have already seen how they can transform the lives of those underserved. These financial services allow households to save in secure instruments to increase their asset base and escape cycles of poverty.
The amount of automation and the complexity of the decisions are increasing, leading me to ask whether organizations have a trained workforce ready to cope with these rapidly changing products.
Grijalvo Martín, M., Pacios Álvarez, A., Ordieres-Meré, J., Villalba-Díez, J., & Morales-Alonso, G. (2020). New business models from prescriptive maintenance strategies aligned with sustainable development goals. Sustainability, 13(1), 216.
Mlachila, M. M., & Yabara, M. M. (2013). Banking in sub-Saharan Africa: the macroeconomic context. International Monetary Fund