AMME5902 Computer Aided Manufacturing Assignment Problem

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Reference no: EM132378624

AMME 5902 - Computer Aided Manufacturing

Assignment 2

Kinematics of Rapid Engineering Machine

A Rapid Engineering machine designer has just invented a new machine as per Figure 1.0 below. Where dimension L is approximately equal to 250mm and R is approximately equal to 50mm.


Figure 1.0

The linear joints on the machine are controlled by a lead screw and stepping motor mechanism. The leadscrew has 2.5mm pitch and the stepping motor has 1.8° step angle. The rotational joint is controlled by a DC servo motor with a rotary encoder. The encoder has a resolution of 360 pulses/rev. The extruding head has been mounted on the Linear Joint. The machine coordinate frame is set at the lower left corner on the bed as shown (X Y) and the nose cone coordinate frame is defined by (x y).

The profile of the nose cone shape is 1/2 of an ellipse. The major axis lies on the centreline shown (between the x and O) and the minor axis lying on the base of the nose cone. Equation 1.0 describes its shape.

y = R√(1 - x2/L2) Equation 1.0

The Rapid Engineering machine is to use the Fused Deposition Process (FDM) in order to printout an experimental nose cone by a heated nozzle extruding Polycarbonate in 1.75mm diameter. The Polycarbonate filament is fed into the nozzle by a rotating gear (outer diameter of 9.3mm) powered by the stepper motor noted in the data section of the Assignment and shown in Figure 2.0.

833_View of Gear mounted on Stepper Motor.jpg

Figure 2.0

View of Gear mounted on Stepper Motor Up Plus 2 Operating Manual

The heated nozzle outputs a 0.71mm wide deposit. The material has been found to melt and successfully deposit at a speed of 7.5 mm/sec to 10mm/sec. The required thickness of the nose cone is between 2.5 to 3.0mm.


1. The total time taken for one nose cone to be manufactured.

2. The pps required from the stepper motor feeding the nozzle in order to achieve a successful deposit of material to form the nose cone.

3. Research what minimum temperature the nozzle needs to be heated to in order to achieve continuous flow of the material.

4. What should be the d, l and θ values at the start and the end positions of the process.

5. How many pulses do you need to send to the stepping motors and the servo motor in order to move the head from the start position to the end position? Stepping motor l controls d, stepping motor 2 controls l and servo motor controls θ.

6. What is the worst case average error using this machine?

7. Recommendations on how to improve the accuracy of this machine.

8. Your group's assignment should include; an introduction, discussion, graphics, spreadsheets, program listings, conclusions and references in Harvard or APA6th format used in a report format.

Reference no: EM132378624

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9/29/2019 11:37:38 PM

This assignment is worth 20% of your mark for AMME5902 This assignment is due at GROUP WORK (Min 2 to Max 4 Students) This Assignment Should Take An Average Group Of Students 8 Hours To Complete

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