Reference no: EM132705375 , Length: 3000 words
AMIM700 International Marketing - Ara Institute of Canterbury Ltd
Learning Outcome 1: Critically evaluate global market environments and opportunities.
Learning Outcome 2: Critically evaluate market entry strategies and strategic marketing decisions for international markets.
You are to choose an existing New Zealand organisation and focus on one product line/type or service. Choose an organisation with minimal international presence. Your choice of organisation and countries needs to be approved by your course lecturer. Note: Only one student per organisation.
You are required to answer specific tasks relating to the organisation and potential choices or actions that it might face in international markets.
DO NOT CONTACT THE COMPANY DIRECTLY but use publicly available information. Students are NOT to contact the staff of their chosen business in order to gather any information. This includes face-to-face conversations, emails, letters, texts and phone calls.
You are encouraged to look at all the digital channels where these companies have a presence, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, as well as the website of the business.
Ensure your plan has the appropriate layout, correct spelling and grammar and is within the word limit.
This assignment is a maximum of 3000 words. For each section of your assignment, use Tasks 1-7 as headings:
• Background of the Business
• Market Selection
• Culture
• Strategy
• Modes of Market Entry
• The Marketing Mix
• Research or Services
You should provide a word count at the end of your assignment. Students are expected to support their points and acknowledge their research sources using the APA 6th edition referencing system. This requires the use of in-text citations and a list of references to be included as part of this assignment. In-text citations and the reference list are NOT included as part of your word limit.
1 Background of the Business
Describe the background of the selected business and its industry. Include age of the business, brief history, ownership, organisational structure, product/services offered, source of competitive advantage, and any current international activities.
2 Market Selection
(a) Recommend two (2) countries that would be appropriate for your chosen company to expand to.
Note: One country should be a developed country and one should be either an emerging market or a bottom of the pyramid market. The countries should also be located in separate continents.
(b) Critically evaluate the appropriateness of using the Screening Approach versus other market selection methods (e.g. structural similarities, market potential indexes, affluence over size and strategic objectives) as a method of market selection for your chosen company.
Conclude your evaluation by recommending the most appropriate method(s).
(c) Justify your choice of countries. You must discuss evidence and may discuss other options you were considering and discuss why your choices were more attractive.
3 Culture
(a) Contrast and analyse the cultures of both countries that you have selected in comparison to each other as well as with New Zealand culture. You should make reference to marketing theory covered in class when describing each country's culture using at least 3 perspectives on culture such as Hofstede, Cultural Universals, Elements and Symbols, Rituals and Customs etc. Note: Hofstede's cultural dimensions only counts as 1 perspective.
(b) Discuss, with reference to marketing theory, how the culture of each country might influence marketing decisions for your chosen organisation in each country. You should discuss one (1) implication for each country.
4 Strategy
Recommend the approach(es) to segmentation that your organisation should follow in international markets (this can cover either the business or consumer market).
Justify your answer in both theoretical and practical terms.
Note: your answer must demonstrate knowledge of segmentation in an international context.
5 Modes of Market Entry
Critically evaluate, utilising both marketing theory and secondary research, three (3) separate potential modes of entry in both of the countries you have chosen.
Note: You should critically evaluate each mode of entry for both country A and country B. Your evaluation may differ between countries. Marketing theory refers to the advantages and/or disadvantages that can be found in textbooks or journal articles. Secondary research is also required to evaluate the appropriateness of the mode of market entry for each market (e.g. exporting may be inappropriate due to high tariffs or other restrictions).
Conclude your evaluation by recommending a mode of entry for your organisation to enter each country.
6 The Marketing Mix
Considering the mode of entry recommended in Task 6, for each of the 4 P's recommend and justify specific adaptations that you believe need to be made in both countries. If you think no adaptation is required for one or more of the 4 P's you will need to briefly explain and justify your recommendation. Your answer should incorporate both marketing theory and secondary research.
Note: You should make four (4) recommendations for country A, and four (4) recommendations for country B.
7 Research or Services
Answer either (a) OR (b) DO NOT ANSWER BOTH
(a) Identify and discuss an issue that your organisation might face in marketing services in both countries. You should incorporate marketing theory and secondary research in your answer. You can only answer this question if your organisation is marketing a service.
(6 marks)
(b) Identify and discuss in detail two (2) potential problems in conducting market research for each of your chosen countries.
Note: The problems that might exist in each country might not be identical. Ensure you use theory or secondary data in your answer.
Attachment:- International Marketing.rar