Reference no: EM132065122
1. In the United States, how did Americans of European descent justify expanding their territory westward?
They appealed to common law and demanded that the British respect U.S. expansion into Canadian territory.
They claimed that their expansion across the North American continent was God's will.
They justified their continental expansion by walking softly and carrying a big stick.
They justified their expansion under the concept of enlightened self-interest.
2. Which of the following developments contributed heavily to the growth of nationalism in nineteenth-century Europe?
The expansion of literacy and the periodical press
An end to regional warfare
The revival of religious faith
The clergy's support
3. Which of the following was a reason that Europeans colonized Africa?
To live in healthier climates than those of industrialized European cities
To assist in Africa's industrialization
To acquire personal power and imperial glory
To prevent Africans from converting to Islam
4. Tropical commodities from their colonies enriched industrialized imperial states.
5. Which of the following helps to explain why privileged elites in Latin American held more political and economic power than elites in the United States?
There were fewer immigrants to Latin America, so old colonial elites had no challengers.
There were fewer Amerindian and peasant uprisings in Latin America, and fewer challenges to the ruling elites.
The threat of revolts in the homesteader frontiers in Latin American created the need for stronger central government.
Large estate holders in Latin America controlled far more of the richest lands to produce export crops.