American politics has become increasingly prominent

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Reference no: EM133404500

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (FEC) was a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court in 2010. The case concerned the regulation of political campaign spending by corporations and unions. The court held that restrictions on such spending violated the First Amendment's protection of freedom of speech.

In the case, Citizens United, a conservative advocacy group, had sought to air a political film critical of then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in the lead-up to the 2008 Democratic primaries. The FEC argued that the film's financing violated campaign finance laws prohibiting corporate and union spending on electioneering communications. The Supreme Court, however, sided with Citizens United, ruling that such restrictions on political speech by corporations and unions were unconstitutional.

The decision has been highly controversial, with critics arguing that it has opened the floodgates for wealthy individuals and special interests to spend unlimited amounts of money on political campaigns. Supporters, on the other hand, argue that it is a victory for free speech and that corporations and unions should have the same First Amendment rights as individuals.

Since the Citizens United decision, the role of money in American politics has become increasingly prominent. The decision led to the creation of so-called "Super PACs," which are political action committees that can raise unlimited sums of money from individuals, corporations, and unions to support or oppose political candidates. Critics of the decision argue that these groups have further undermined the integrity of the electoral process and have given wealthy donors undue influence over the political system.

Overall, the Citizens United decision remains a contentious issue in American politics, with ongoing debates about the proper role of money in elections and the extent to which corporations and unions should be allowed to influence the political process.

Reference no: EM133404500

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