Reference no: EM133206385 , Length: 2 Pages
Question 1.
Evaluate the statement: "American military action 1898-1920 was intended to make the world a more democratic place for all people." Do you think the statement is absolutely true, absolutely false, or somewhere in between? Explain using examples from specific events, primary sources, etc. from history. Your answer should have a thesis statement that answers the question and use three specific examples from our class lectures, readings, and/or activities to support your ideas.
Question 2.
Evaluate the statement: "The U.S. became a freer and fairer place to live in the time period we've studied so far, from 1865-1929." Do you think the statement is absolutely true, absolutely false, or somewhere in between? What role did activism play in shaping society? Explain using examples from specific events, primary sources, etc. from history. Your answer should have a thesis statement that answers the question and use three specific examples from our class lectures, readings, and/or activities to support your ideas.
Question 3.
What strategies did poor people and people of color use to fight for their own rights in American society during the time period we have studied so far? Your answer should have a thesis statement that answers the question and use three specific examples from our class lectures, readings, and/or activities to support your ideas.