Reference no: EM133076054 , Length: word count:100
ECO 100 Principles of Economics - Strayer University
Activity: Searching for Current Events About American Ideals
Introduction: This week's activity asks you to identify an American ideal and summarize a related current event in 1-2 sentences. It will prepare you for your first assignment, Letter to Family.
Step 1: Choose one of the following American ideals.
- democracy
- liberty
- equality
- justice
- freedom
- opportunity
Step 2: Identify an article (no older than 6 months) that covers a current event related to your American ideal. This article should be from a reputable news source that publishes well-written and well-researched news.
One tip for finding a current event is to choose a reputable news source and visit their website to see recent articles on relevant topics. Another method is to visit the University Library and look at the 10 news and politics e-magazines available.
Step 3: Write a short statement (1-2 sentences) summarizing the current event and how it relates to your chosen American ideal. Provide 2 examples that illustrate the connection.
Step 4: Include an article link in a source list following Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) format.
American Ideal:
1-2 sentences about the current event and how it relates to your chosen American ideal. Provide 2 examples.
Article citation.