American foreign policy

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133409938

1. Explain why one of the following developments represents a turning point in American foreign policy.

++Détente (Nixon)

++"Human rights" policy (Carter)

++"Evil Empire Speech" (Reagan )

2. Explain one specific piece of evidence which illustrates your choice in a).

3. Explain another specific piece of evidence which illustrates your choice in a).

Reference no: EM133409938

Questions Cloud

Find particularly exciting-interesting or challenging : What did you find particularly exciting, interesting, or challenging about the assigned content week?
Typical example of louise nevelson assemblage work : Compare the piece "Yellow Mesh, 2020." to a typical example of Louise Nevelson's assemblage work.
Philosophers and philosophies : Philosophers and Philosophies. Describe who they were and why they were important. How did their writings influence the Constitution?
How are gender identity-sexuality at issue in film rafiki : How are gender identity and sexuality at issue in the film Rafiki? Be sure to develop your answer by giving specific examples from the film.
American foreign policy : Explain why one of the following developments represents a turning point in American foreign policy.
Explain what you believe made slavery peculiar : Explain what you believe made slavery "peculiar" in the United States? Make sure to consider unique economic, social, political factors.
Make up original story about some type of history : Make up an original story about some type of history. Could be 9/11 if you want and use your research to help you make a story about 9/11.
How might he negotiate or convince : How might he negotiate or convince others in the past to adopt these utopian ideas?
Describe the ethical dilemmas at play : Describe the ethical dilemmas at play, as they relate to the types of issues we have described in class in the context of community organizing.


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