Alternative visions to stopping domestic violence

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Reference no: EM133612733


"The Intersectional Paradigm and Alternative Visions to Stopping Domestic Violence: What Poor Women, Women of Color, and Immigrant Women Are Teaching Us About Violence in the Family," Natalie J. Sokoloff Sokoloff's work studies the problem of domestic violence from an intersectional perspective. By doing this, she challenges the notion that gender inequality is the only primary force driving the problem. The approach has two distinct objectives: giving voices to battered women, as well as addressing socially structured inequalities that feed into the problem. One of her major critiques is that the often-supported "colorblind" approach to domestic violence (specifically in that it cuts through all races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic statuses), it prevents larger social structural problems that feed into the problem from being recognized and addressed. As an example of this, research shows that controlling for economics, African American women are less likely to experience domestic violence, and that neighborhood factors (less collective efficacy) is a more significant determining factor than race is. The tendency to approach cases of domestic violence as part of a different cultural perspective (such as honor killings), also minimizes the perceptions of domestic violence with persons of color. Finally, community based programs are outlined that seek.

Reference no: EM133612733

Questions Cloud

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Historic and generational trauma community faces : Making space for the contradictions and complexities of lived lives. Emphasizing the historic and generational trauma a community faces.
Discuss how the lyrics to strange fruit conveys : Discuss how the lyrics to 'Strange Fruit' conveys the depths of racism include sociological concepts as you examine the lyrics.
Identify and analyze which social movement theory : Identify and analyze which social movement theory explains the impact of the song, "Strange Fruit", and include another song or songs
Alternative visions to stopping domestic violence : The Intersectional Paradigm and Alternative Visions to Stopping Domestic Violence: What Poor Women, Women of Color,
Spatial organization and development of cities : Assess the Burgess. Hoyt. and Harris and Ullman models as frameworks for understanding the spatial organization and development of cities.
Explain what critical criminology : Explain what critical criminology is. What are the major points of the theory? How do they define crime?
The moral values of american youth : The moral values of American youth may be different from their parents, but this does not necessarily mean that their moral values are lower.
Child welfare system ignores systemic factors : Roberts argues that child welfare system ignores systemic factors (i.e., social and economic factors).


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