Alternative to a comprehensive budget

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Reference no: EM131559709


Willow's annual budget is in disarray because of unexpected variances, some of which are not in her control. She was not expecting a 10% rent increase, which increased her expenditures, nor a 15% increase in contributions to her employer's health insurance plan, which reduced her income. In addition, her savings lost future value when her bank reduced its interest rate by 2.5%. At the same time, she spent more on clothing, entertainment, and gifts than she realized-more than she had budgeted for. Willow is discouraged. What should she do? (FOUR WELL FORMED PARAGRAPHS)


a. What financial tools described in this chapter can help you make better financial decisions?

b. What are the components of a comprehensive budget and what is the purpose of each component?

c. How are specialized budgets prepared? What is the relationship of specialized budgets to the comprehensive budget?

( Three well formed paragraph for each question and please APA Citation).


When is a cash flow budget a useful alternative to a comprehensive budget?

(Four well formed paragraph for each question and please APA Citation). PLEASE NO BLUNT ANSWER

Reference no: EM131559709

Questions Cloud

Define inference and assumption : Define inference and assumption, and then explain the relationship between the two. Describe the movement of the person in Plato's allegory of the cave.
Prepare the journal entries : Prepare the journal entries for 2017 for the Osgilith MRI machines sold by Palantir to customers who elect the delayed payment option
What could your team have done to be more effective : How effective was the team approach? What major challenges did the team face and how were they resolved? What could your team have done to be more effective?
Incorporated into capital budgeting analysis : In 250 words, discuss how a project's risk can be incorporated into capital budgeting analysis.
Alternative to a comprehensive budget : When is a cash flow budget a useful alternative to a comprehensive budget?
Why present the information in fragmented sections : Why present the information in fragmented sections rather than as an essay that moves linearly through the plot? What is the overarching message of each essay?
Prepare the journal entries to update depreciation : Prepare the journal entries to (a) update depreciation to July 31, 2017, and (b) record the sale of the equipment
What is the estimated irr for this investment : The interest rate on the loan will be 7%. What is the estimated IRR for this investment?
Discuss latest developments surrounding the issue : Describe what the first steps will be in helping them to resolve their issue. Discuss latest developments surrounding the issue.


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