Alternative submission method

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM13310622

Length: 2500 wordsSubmission method optionsAlternative submission methodTaskEssayYou will be required to write a 2500 word essay as follows:Review an organisation with which you are familiar with reference to ONE of the following aspects:a. The role of culture within the organisation.b.The ability of the organisation to manage change and to learn and adapt as a whole organisation.c.How the organisation manages diversity and what role it plays in the organisation.d.The effectiveness of the strategic management practices of the organisation.Please refer to relevant academic literature and source materials, as well as drawing upon your knowledge of the organisation.Your assignment must be submitted via Turnitin. RationaleThis assignment is designed to:

  • familiarise students with the various theories concerning decision making, leadership and managerial ethics; encourage students to discern the strengths and weaknesses of the wide array of theoretical contributions; encourage students to use empirical evidence to support their arguments.Marking criteriaYour assignment will be assessed according to the extent to which it has: answered the question set, kept to the topic and covered only relevant issues; shown adequate use of a range of academic resources (e.g., journal articles, management books) to support arguments and recommendations; taken a critical orientation to the topic, theories and readings; built a sound argument using analysis, explanation and interpretation; incorporated original thinking based on a clear evaluation of evidence, treating sources critically and acknowledging their strengths and weaknesses; provided a well structured, clear and consistent line of reasoning across the assignment, including an effective introduction and conclusion; demonstrated readability (this relates to structure; clarity of expression; explanations; linkages and flow; grammar and spelling; use of headings; correct referencing and presentation).



Reference no: EM13310622

Questions Cloud

How is raw pig iron extracted from iron oxide ores : (a) How is raw pig iron extracted from iron oxide ores (b) Write a typical chemical reaction for the reduction of iron oxide (Fe2O3) by carbon monoxide to produce iron.
Demand for bicycles : Suppose that oil prices rise sharply for years as a result of a war in the Middle East. Illustrate with a diagram what happens to the:  Demand for automobiles? Demand for home insulation? Demand for coal? Demand for tyres? Demand for bicycles?
Determine the local acceleration and convective acceleration : A nozzle is designed to linearly accelerate the fluid from V1 to V2 (i.e., V = ax +b, where a and b are constants). Determine the local acceleration, the convective acceleration, and the total acceleration at point 1 and 2 at t = 0.
Find the total time the block is in motion : A block slides down an inclined plane, starting from rest and being pushed with a constant acceleration of 4.60 m/s2 over a distance of 19.4 cm. Find the total time the block is in motion
Alternative submission method : Length: 2500 wordsSubmission method optionsAlternative submission methodTaskEssayYou will be required to write a 2500 word essay as follows:Review an organisation with which you are familiar with reference to ONE of the following aspects:a. The role ..
Determine the force across the whole beam from the left end : A beam with a total length of 14m, has a 1000N load on the left end, 4m to the right (from the left end of the beam) there is a rolarr, 2m to the right of the rolar begins a 300 N/m load that goes for 4m, and the last 4m has a tapered load of 300 ..
Find the kinetic energy attained by the system : A uniform disk of mass .53kg and radius 11cm is constrained to rotate on an axis about its center. find the KE attained by the system
How many times larger is the image than the object : A movie projector is equipped with a 0.6-meter focal length lens that is positioned 0.605 meters from the film. How many times larger is the image than the object
Formal political and economic rules : The implication is that transferring the formal political and economic rules of successful Western market economies to third-world and Eastern European economies is not a sufficient condition for good economic performance. Privati-z..


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