Reference no: EM133087674
Alternative Courses of Action
Brewdog is attempting to address the environmental issue by changing the way they perform their operational, productional processes and throughout their supply chain; demonstrating their commitment to invest time, effort, and resources in reacting to the issue, which shows the company's active incorporation of the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR). "The brewing business has become the globe's first carbon-negative beer enterprise. Brewdog started making beer with the most sustainable methods possible by using renewable energy, through direct wind power. However, the process of brewing still emits carbon; thus, they are transforming their site into an eco-friendly brewery to help with the situation. As a result, they are committed to reducing their carbon footprint. As part of its efforts, it purchased 2,050 acres of land in the Scottish Highlands, entitled "Brewdog Forest," where it wants to plant one million trees and repair 650 acres of peatland. Through these reforestation projects, for every tonne of carbon they generate, they now eliminate two tonnes of greenhouse gas out of the atmosphere (Brewdog, n.d.)."
This approach helps the business become more sustainable and helps minimize their environmental effect; since they are conscious of the need to strike a balance between environmental health and corporate earnings. We need major corporations like these to keep coming up with ways that help with sustainability and to have an active part in this matter; and effective company executives will be able to gain the support of investors. These social goals would benefit not only the stakeholders, in this case the environment, "but also the concept of the "halo effect," in which corporations can benefit from CSR spending to stakeholders as an indirect indicator that the company's products are of high quality, and often consumers, for example, are more willing to buy these products as an indirect way of donating to a good cause (Stephen M. Byars, 2018)," in this case removing excess greenhouse gas emission from the Earth's atmosphere. And in this case, the CSR spending of Brewdog includes such as the purchasing of land to plant trees to absorb the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. "In addition to this carbon-reduction strategy, Brewdog acquired fully electric vehicles for their bar deliveries, eliminating the need of fossil fuels which will also save the company millions of dollars in cost in the near future (Mega Report , 2021)." Dealing with the environmental issue contributes to the long-term preservation of the natural environment and resources for the benefit of everybody, including the businesses.
However, to recommend two alternate courses of action for the organization to consider in terms of environmental effect prevention and assistance. One of these approaches can be to also form alliances with foreign international corporations and not just to conduct the reforest in the country they are mainly located in. "As a result of corporate economic activities having a negative influence internationally, particularly in Western countries. In less than 40 years, the world's rainforests might be depleted." According to scientists, rainforest degradation results in the extinction of 50,000 animal, plant, and insect species per year (Centennial College, 2014)." Even though there are many movements by people and nonprofit organizations toward challenging climate change and other environmental effects; we somehow mostly call on the government, we have to keep in mind that efforts are required by both public and private corporations to address the matter. Also, with the rapid growth of technology would call for more natural resources from the earth; therefore, have to ensure and safeguard its future survival.
Another method we would like to recommend in terms of environmental protection and climate change is that they consider forming a green team of employees and recent graduates. This
group will assist in the identification of change opportunities and the dissemination of information about the organization's environmental efforts. Investing in other areas, such as global industrial fishing practices, discovering and developing new strategies, such as measures to avoid the demise of ocean coral, are examples. Furthermore, the team can plan and organise events and competitions to increase awareness about sustainable issues, which is a great concept.
Evaluation of Courses of Action
The Scottish multinational brewery and pub chain, BrewDog, said Monday that it has achieved carbon neutrality, making it the first worldwide beer company to do so. BrewDog has undertaken a series of unprecedented attempts to eliminate carbon from the environment and thereby aid in the battle against climate change, according to a £30 million investment plan. The BrewDog Forest in the Scottish Highlands, a 2,050 acre location where the firm plans to plant one million trees and repair 650 acres of peatland over the next four years, is one of them (Barbiroglio, 2020). This is a great action that would be beneficial for the environment. Trees combat global warming by absorbing carbon dioxide from the air and converting it into leaves, branches, and roots. Planting millions of trees throughout the world is one of the most effective and cost-effective solutions to reduce CO2 emissions and address the climate catastrophe. One million new trees will save one million tonnes of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere.
In addition, a sustainable campground will hold public activities, and the brewer will work with offset collaborators to doubly remove all of its carbon until early 2021, when it will be ready to begin planting. BrewDog will engage with certified decarbonization partners, such as the Nature Conservancy of Canada, to offset the company's carbon impact twice over until the forest is able to start actively absorbing carbon from the air. This is also another beneficial method to solve the issue. As they work together to better understand and address the consequences of climate change on a global scale, the voluntary carbon market has gained traction as a tool for businesses to decrease their carbon footprint. Mike Berners-Lee, a carbon footprint specialist and the director of the renewables and environment firm Small World Consulting, helped establish the plan and lead the process of quantifying BrewDog's carbon footprint. In the last decade, a slew of new schemes has emerged, each with its own strategy to calculating and marketing carbon credits (Canada, 2020).
Another green infrastructure improvements, such as wind-powering British bars, wastewater recycling, and an investment scheme that helps local brewing sites to minimize the supply chain, are already ongoing (BrewDog, 2020). They have sought for planning approval in Ellon to construct an anaerobic digestor facility that will convert their waste water into clean water, green gas, organic fertiliser, and food-grade CO2. We're also putting in a CO2 recovery system, which will trap CO2 created during fermentation (rather than releasing it into the atmosphere) and utilise it to carbonate their beers downstream.
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