Alter the employee table to establish a foreign key

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM13929889

Complete the following tasks:

1. Download and install SQL Server 2008, Express Edition.

o Refer to Appendix A of the textbook.

2. Open and run the attached script to create the Northwind database.

o To download the script, click here.

3. Create the following tables in the Northwind database:

o Regions table

4. Insert the following data into the 2 tables:

o Regions table

1 Eastern

2 Western

3 Northern

4 Southern

o Departments table

10 CEO

20 Sales

30 Marketing

5. Alter the Employees table, and add a column:

o Employees table

6. Alter the Employee table to establish a foreign key between Employees and Departments.

o Employees.DepartmentID references Departments.DepartmentID

7. Alter the Territories table to establish a foreign key between Territories and Regions.

o Territories.RegionID references Regions.RegionID

8. Update the data in the Employees table so that employees with the following managers are listed as working in the following


Attachment:- UNIT ONE ASSIGNMENT.docx

Reference no: EM13929889

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