Allot op-codes and add microcode to microprogram

Assignment Help Assembly Language
Reference no: EM1371436

Assign op-codes and add microcode to the microprogram of Mic-1 to implement the following instructions that are then included with the IJVM instruction set.

Bmov a,b,n. This Block Move instruction moves n bytes of data from location a in memory to location b. Take care to deal correctly with the case of overlapping address ranges.
Badd a,b,n. The Block Add instruction adds the contents byte by byte of the block of data stored at a to the block stored at b leaving the result at b. Again take care of overlapping ranges.

Your microprogram, which should be complete and as efficient as you can make it, must be clearly documented to describe its operation.
You are not required to run your program on a computer


Reference no: EM1371436

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