Allergies to penicillin-morphine and shellfish

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133708920


Gretchen Pollard is an 83 year old female. Full code. Allergies to penicillin, morphine, and shellfish. She was brought to the emergency room via EMS for a near syncopal event. She reports feeling dizzy, light headed, and short of breath with normal activity for the past 2 weeks. She has a history of high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, and an acute MI that occurred a year ago. She also smokes 1/2 a pack a day. Her vital signs are as follows: 98.4 oral temperature, 118/68 blood pressure RUA, 53 bpm, 98% pulse ox on RA, 0/10 pain. EKG reveals second degree heart block.

Reference no: EM133708920

Questions Cloud

Hospital complaining of chest pain : Client aged 66 has been admitted to the hospital complaining of chest pain, which began after completing a daily jog.
Common in pediatric or geriatric populations : What is a type of ear disorders that are common in the pediatric or geriatric populations.
Effectively to health crises impacting migrant communities : How can countries collaborate to respond effectively to health crises impacting migrant communities?
Reviewed and experimented with implementing process : The article reviewed and experimented with implementing a process of having 2 nurses for assessing and addressing HAPIs.
Allergies to penicillin-morphine and shellfish : Gretchen Pollard is an 83 year old female. Full code. Allergies to penicillin, morphine, and shellfish.
Discuss the collection laws and credit reporting laws : Discuss the collection laws and credit reporting laws as they relate to healthcare.
Which intervention will nurse provide to support nutrition : A nurse is caring for a client with diabetes who is hospitalized for glucose stabilization. Which intervention will the nurse provide to support nutrition?
Define battered child syndrome : Identify the various diseases that are transmitted. Define Battered child syndrome. What is the role of the Food and Drug Administration?
Evidence-based practice environment : Cultivate a culture of inquiry within an evidence-based practice (EBP) environment.


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