All-terrain-vehicle-destruction of good credit rating

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM131112213

Milo buys an all-terrain-vehicle (ATV) from No-Limit Toys, Inc., on credit but makes no payments on the account. Odell, the owner of No-Limit Toys, calls Milo at home on a Monday morning at three a.m. Odell represents himself as PayNow Collection Agency and demands payment “or else.” The next day, Odell sends Milo notice that he has thirty days in which to request verification of the debt and that its payment will be suspended during that time, but that if he does not pay the full amount due within five business days, Odell will arrange for the “destruction of Milo’s good credit rating.” Which laws has Odell violated, if any, and in what ways?

Reference no: EM131112213

Questions Cloud

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All-terrain-vehicle-destruction of good credit rating : Milo buys an all-terrain-vehicle (ATV) from No-Limit Toys, Inc., on credit but makes no payments on the account. Odell, the owner of No-Limit Toys, calls Milo at home on a Monday morning at three a.m. but that if he does not pay the full amount due w..
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