Reference no: EM132259885
M Company is Capsim Andrews sensor and the company has the following Objectives and initiatives to achieve in future:
The Company Andrews Corp. has the following corporate goals and objectives to achieve in the future.
Andrew Corp. has a goal to improve its profitability up to 10 % by 2023.
The company wants to expand its business operations globally by entering new potential markets by 2030.
To improve the efficiency of business operations by providing quality products and increasing productivity.
To achieve the growth rate of 15% by 2028.
To reduce 25% of the emissions produced by the greenhouse by 2025.
The company wants to increase its return on equity, assets and most importantly sales.
Strategic Initiatives:
The strategic initiatives are those tactics and efforts, used by the company Andrew Corp. to achieve its goals and objectives. Moreover, the initiatives means to use the best strategies by enhancing the support and providing the resources to achieve the goals and objectives. For the successful implementation of action plan, it is important for the Andrew Corporation to involve its employees while creating the plan. Employees give their valuable feedback on it and assure that strategy implemented successfully.
The company Andrews Corporation uses balance scorecard and control systems to develop a corporate strategy to get competitive advantage in the market. The company wants to expand its business operations and maintain its presence in all the segments so the company only focuses on the differentiation strategy, which leads to get the competitive advantage.
So the implementation strategy for the Andrews corporation is Differentiation strategy and in this company focuses more on the marketing and Research and Development of its products and increases customer satisfaction by providing them reliable and quality products.
Please provide this:
1. You should compose 5 policies to support Capsim Andrews Sensors chosen department (Research and Development, Marketing, Production, or Finance) strategy and implementation plan. Which of these departments are your supporting?
Which policies encourage innovation?
What is the connection between your policies and the selected Capsim differentiaton strategy??
Compose policies that align all levels of the business strategy hierarchy to facilitate a seamless implementation plan. Ensure that the purpose, scope, policies, and procedures are aligned with the goals and objectives of each level of strategy.