Alignment with organization mission-goals and strategies

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133139052


You are the newly hired HR Director for a large healthcare organization, which serves elderly individuals. Over 1,000 healthcare employees (e.g., physicians, nurses, etc.) are employed by your company. You have been told, by the leaders of your organization, that the performance management system used by the company is not fully aligned with the organization's strategic plan.

For this discussion board post, please address the following:

1. Explain why the job descriptions for all workers must be in alignment with the organization's mission, goals, and strategies.

2. Address how you can effectively communicate the strategic plan to all organizational employees.

3. Why does the organization's compensation strategy need to be aligned with the company's strategic plan?

Reference no: EM133139052

Questions Cloud

Contingency plan : What will you do if you can't follow through with your primary plan? How are you preparing for an emergency in your business?
Successful business and business plan : Explain your three core questions and why do you think they are important to a successful business and its business plan.
Improved organizational performance : In support of improved organizational performance, the leadership of that organization must introduce change.
Company efforts to promote ethical and social good : Describe each company's efforts to promote ethical and social good. Describe the organizational benefits from adopting socially conscious policies.
Alignment with organization mission-goals and strategies : Explain why the job descriptions for all workers must be in alignment with the organization's mission, goals, and strategies.
Resource-based view of firm and clarifying capabilities : Our discussion thread is centered on the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm and clarifying capabilities.
Correct packaging is used to avoid penalties : What would you do to insure correct packaging is used to avoid penalties? How would packaging revisions affect Bills of Material?
Sacrificing ethical standards : What is the organization and how would you describe it? What would you change about the organization to make it better, without sacrificing ethical standards?
Firm integrate ethics into their marketing strategy : How can a firm integrate ethics into their Marketing Strategy? Discuss all the ways that ethics and marketing interact


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