Reference no: EM131299436 , Length:
Research topic - Aligning education outcome with market needs
Each student to prepare a seminar presentation on the use of qualitative approaches for research in their area Each student will present their topic (approximately 20 minutes) and then facilitate/lead discussion within a seminar group of their peers (approximately 10 minutes).
Each student is asked to research and prepare a seminar presentation on the use of qualitative approaches in their research area.
What qualitative approaches would work in their area.
What are the strengths of these approaches?
How would they use qualitative methods?
How would they use them in relation to other methods?
How would they complement other approaches?
Why may qualitative approaches not be appropriate?
What problems does the student see in adopting qualitative methods.
Needs to include references to research methods texts
Needs to include references to research done in similar areas using qualitative research methods
The student will present their topic (approximately 20 minutes) and then facilitate/lead discussion within a seminar group of their peers (approximately 10 minutes).
Creating a multi-user application development
: All users can simultaneously read the file, but only one user is given an access to add, edit or delete data at a time.To complete this Discussion:Discuss how you would use threading to accomplish the task described in the scenario mentioned.
Fitting a linear demand curve to the two observer points
: Fitting a linear demand curve to the two observer points, calculate the annual netbenefits of raising the price of waste disposal to $0.05/lb.
Write up a proposal for a project selection
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Aligning education outcome with market needs
: Prepare a seminar presentation on the use of qualitative approaches in their research area - What qualitative approaches would work in their area and What are the strengths of these approaches?
Write a pseudocode for deleting a node from a bst
: Write a pseudocode for deleting a node from a BST. Simulate your algorithm with a BST of 10 nodes and show the deletion process. Especially show the deletion of the interior nodes and not just leaf nodes.
Design a welding jig
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How did the attacker gain access to the system
: How did the attacker gain access to the system? Provide as much detail as possible about the attack, the tool used, etc. What IP address or addresses did the attacker use?
What are strategies behind implementing cloud computing
: What are some of the major strategies and risks behind implementing cloud computing programs in today's technology filled world?