Algorithm on dynamic programming-minimize amount of walking

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM1353971

We are going on a trip along the Appalachian trail. We have a list of all possible campsites that we can camp in along the way (say n). We want to do this trip in exactly k days, stopping k - 1 nights to camp. Our goal is to plan this trip so that we minimize the maximum amount of walking done in a single day. In other words, if our trip involves 3 days of walking, and we walk 11, 14, 12 miles on each day respectively, the cost is 14. Another schedule that involves walking 11, 13, 13 miles on each day has cost 13. The locations of the campsites are speci?ed in advance, and we can only camp at a campsite. Your algorithm should be based on dynamic programming and run efficiently.

Reference no: EM1353971

Questions Cloud

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Algorithm on dynamic programming-minimize amount of walking : Our goal is to plan this trip so that we minimize the maximum amount of walking done in a single day. Your algorithm should be based on dynamic programming and run efficiently.
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Illustrate what happens to output and the price level : Illustrate what happens to output, the price level, and the expected price level in both the short run and the long run.


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