Algorithm into a java program

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13906404

A transaction record on a sales commission file contains the retail price of an item sold, a transaction code that indicates the sales commission category to which an item can belong, and the employee number of the person who sold the item. The transaction code can contain the values A, B or C, which indicate that the percentage commission will be 6%, 8% or 10% respectively. Construct an algorithm that will read a record on the file, calculate the commission owing for that record, and print the retail price, commission and employee number.

Based on the feedback received for Question 3 in Assignment 1, transform your algorithm into a JAVA program. Your code should contain appropriate validations and must focus on code optimization.

Modify the code to repeat the program until the user enters an income value of -1. Briefly, explain (150-200 words) the logic of the program and how the code can be optimised.

Reference no: EM13906404

Questions Cloud

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What is business basis in the assets it received from dennis : What is the business's basis in the assets it received from Dennis? What would be the business's basis if the transaction qualified as a non- taxable exchange?
The parent constructor from child constructor : Which keyword is used to call the parent constructor from child constructor?
Algorithm into a java program : Based on the feedback received for Question 3 in Assignment 1, transform your algorithm into a JAVA program. Your code should contain appropriate validations and must focus on code optimization.
Write a program to copy a file to another file : You can copy a file to another file by using the java.nio.file.Files class's public static Path copy(Path source, Path target, CopyOption... options) method, which copies a source file to a target file.Write a program to copy a file to another file?
What is emilys cost basis in the new building : Emily purchased a building to store inventory for her business. The purchase price was $760,000. What is Emily's cost basis in the new building?
Describes the process of guessing : Draw a structured flowchart that describes the process of guessing a number between 1 and 100. After each guess, the player is told that the guess is too high or too low. The process continues until the player guesses the correct number.
What is joses cost basis for the delivery van : Jose purchased a delivery van for his business through an online auction. What is Jose's cost basis for the delivery van?


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