Algorithm-flow chart for people having computer experience

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM1344418

Q1) Write an algorithm and design a flow chart to determine all people who have computer experience and atleast five years of company service using the files from company A Y Z personnel department.

Reference no: EM1344418

Questions Cloud

Factors-principles considering indecency regulation issues : What factors and principles should the federal government take into account when considering indecency regulation issues?
Describing cost of financial distress : Find out the value of the firm's equity? What is the promised return on company's debt? Find out the value of the firm? How much would the company's debt be worth if there were no bankruptcy costs?
Find the real cost of hedging : A United State company negotiated a forward agreement to buy 100,000 British pounds in 90 days. The firm was supposed to use the £100,000 to buy British supplies.
Calculate the break-even ebit : What is the earning per share for each type of capital structure given the predicted EBIT and calculate the break-even EBIT?
Algorithm-flow chart for people having computer experience : Write an algorithm and design a flow chart to determine all people who have computer experience.
Find some problem areas in the cost of capital analysis : Find some problem areas in the cost of capital analysis and do these problems invalidate the cost of capital procedures we are discussing in this unit?
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Explain what are the various kinds of budgets : Explain what are the various kinds of budgets? Please explain each and describe hich type of budget is best for your selected company?
Components of a financial reporting system : Describe the meaning and the components of a financial reporting system and write a description of how management should use an activity based budget instead of an operating budget


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