Alcohol and alcohol abuse

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Reference no: EM13494167

Alcohol and Alcohol Abuse

•       Understand the following terms and concepts: fermentation, distillation, proof, blood alcohol concentration, oxidation
•       How do we determine the % of alcohol based on proof?
•       What are the 3 major forms of alcohol?
•       What was the original alcohol beverage?
•       What was the Temperance Movement?
Who started it?
When did prohibition take effect? What was the first state to pass prohibition laws?
Who were the moonshiners?
How and when did prohibition dissolve? (understand the impact of the Great Depression)
•       What are cultural influences on drinking?
•       What are some gender differences in regards to drinking behavior?
•       How is alcohol absorbed? ( 2 ways)
What are breathalayzers?
•       What is alcohol dehydrogenase?
•       What is acetaldehyde and how is it relevant to drinking behavior?
•       Understand the factors that impact the rate at which alcohol is absorbed by the body.
•       How does alcohol act on the central nervous system?
•       How does food intake impact feelings of intoxication?
•       What is a lethal dose of alcohol for most people?
•       What is the most problematic form of alcohol consumption in The United States?
•       What 2 mechanisms protect most drinkers from death related to alcohol toxicity?
•       What are the acute physiological effects of alcohol? (we discussed many of these)
•       What is Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome?
•       What is fetal alcohol syndrome?
When does the greatest risk for FAS occur during pregnancy?
•       In what 3 ways does alcohol negatively affect the liver?
o       What is the most severe and the least severe of the liver diseases?
•       What are blackouts?
•       How does alcohol impact the brain? (stimulation? Depression? Activation?)
o       What areas of the brain are most affected by heavy drinking?
•       How does alcohol impact sexual behavior?
•       Understand the relationship between alcohol and crime/violence:
What is the traditional disinhibition theory?
What is the cognitive expectation theory?
•       What is alcohol dependence?
•       Why does tolerance occur during chronic alcohol consumption?
•       What are the criteria for defining alcoholism?
•       What does the concept of codependency refer to?
•       What does it mean to engage in enabling behavior?
•       What are the withdrawal symptoms from alcohol?
What are the delirium tremens?
•       What is the philosophical principle behind Alcoholics Anonymous?
•       What is disulfiram?
•       Who has the 12 step program established by AA also been used to treat?

Performance Enhancing Drugs and Drug Testing
•       What 2 effects does testosterone have on the developing man?
•       What effect do steroids attempt to mimic?
•       When was the “commitment to sport without doping and drugs” clause inserted into the Olympic Oath?
•       What does research say about the impact of steroids on athletic performance?
•       Are the dangers of steroid use exaggerated?
•       What is stacking?
•       What physiological effects do steroids have on men? What about women?
What is gynecomastia?
What is priapis?
What do steroid users take in order to minimize negative effects?
•       What is the Anabolic Steroids Control Act?
•       What was the BALCO scandal?
•       What is “roid rage?”
•       What is muscle dysmorphia?
•       What are the concerns about dietary supplements?
•       What are the controversies over drug testing?
understand the following concerns related to drug testing: drug specificity and drug sensitivity
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Reference no: EM13494167

Questions Cloud

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Alcohol and alcohol abuse : Understand the following terms and concepts: fermentation, distillation, proof, blood alcohol concentration, oxidation. How do we determine the % of alcohol based on proof? What are the 3 major forms of alcohol? What was the original alcohol beverage..
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Oxytocin is a hormone more commonly associated : Oxytocin is a hormone more commonly associated with contractions during labor and breastfeeding. It is also increased by nipple stimulation in men and women.


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