Airline market-price discrimination

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM1311287

  1.  If the price of prunes relative to the price of plums fell, what could you infer about the interest rate?
  2.  Is human life priceless? What evidence can you offer to support your contention?
  3.  Except for promotional purposes, and price wars, airfare rates to Europe are higher in the summer than in the winter. Coach class airfare from Philadelphia to Los Angeles is cheaper than coach class airfare to Des Moines. First class airfare is always higher than coach class. Moreover, airlines charge lower fares to those who book seats well ahead of time than those who wait until the last minute. Are these all examples of price discrimination? What additional information may be required before you can give a complete answer to this question? Explain.

 Evaluate: "The fact that some airplanes collide is evidence there is 'too little air traffic control'." (Be sure to explain what too little might mean.)

Reference no: EM1311287

Questions Cloud

Own price elasticity and cross price elasticity : Let the market demand for rye bread be given by  Q = 500 + I - 250P rye + 400P wheat , where Q is monthly demand in number of loaves, I is average monthly income in dollars
Prepare cash flows from operating and investing : Prepare cash flows from operating and investing and financing  and purpose the 20X8 statement of cash flows, formatting operating activities by the indirect method
Inventory control using or method : Solve different inventory control problems using an appropriate OR method.
Gage pressure at the center of pipe in kilopascals : Find the gage pressure at the center of pipe A in pounds per square inch and in kilopascals.
Airline market-price discrimination : Evaluate: "The fact that some airplanes collide is evidence there is 'too little air traffic control'." (Be sure to explain what too little might mean.)
Purpose a report that reconciles the total cost : Purpose a report that reconciles the total cost assigned to the ending work in process inventory and the units transferred out with the costs in the beginning inventory and costs added during the period.
Change in price and total expenditure : Discuss how a change in price affects total expenditure by filling in each cell with resulting change in total expenditure.
Will this method yield a valid estimate of incremental cost : He took the unit cost for an equivalent whole unit you completed in (3) above and multiplied this figure by 1,000. Will this method yield a valid estimate of incremental cost? Explain.
Equivalent units for materials and conversion : Finding  the equivalent units for materials and conversion - Verify the accountant's ending work in process inventory figure (£8,200) given in the report


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