Aggregation functions for data analysis

Assignment Help Advanced Statistics
Reference no: EM132294284

Assessment Task: Problem Solving - Using aggregation functions for data analysis

Learning Outcomes

Unit Learning Outcome

ULO1 - assessed through student ability to apply knowledge of multivariate functions, data transformations and data distributions to summarise data sets.
ULO2 - assessed through the student ability to analyse datasets by interpreting summary statistics, model and function parameters.
ULO4 - assessed through student ability to develop software codes to solve computational problems for real world analytics.

Graduate Learning Outcome
GLO1 - Discipline knowledge and capabilities
GLO4 - Critical thinking
GLO5 - Problem solving

This assignment will test your knowledge and understanding of the aggregation functions and their applications for data summarization and prediction. This assignment will also test your ability in R programming, in using specific R commands as well as R packages.

The work is individual. Solutions and answers to the assignment must be explained carefully in a concise manner and presented carefully. Use of books, articles and/or online resources on share price related to SIT718 Real World Analytics is allowed. Students are expected to refer to the suitable literature where appropriate.

The assessment consists of FOUR tasks. Students must attempt all tasks and provide an individual written report in appropriate word processor.

Using aggregation functions for data analysis

DownloadSIT718_Assessment-Task_3-T1_2019-data and it contains the data file [Energy19.txt ] and the R code [AggWaFit718.R ] to use with the following tasks, include these in your R working directory.

Energy Prediction of Domestic Appliances Dataset

The given dataset, "Energy19.txt", can be used to create models of energy use of appliances in a energy-efficient house. The dataset provides the Energy use of appliances (denoted as Y) using 671 samples. It is a modified version of data used in the study [1]. The dataset includes 5 variables, denoted as X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, and Y, described as follows:

X1: Temperature in kitchen area, in Celsius
X2: Humidity in kitchen area, given as a percentage
X3: Temperature outside (from weather station), in Celsius
X4: Humidity outside (from weather station), given as a percentage
X5: Visibility (from weather station), in km
Y: Energy use of appliances, in Wh

Assignment Tasks

1. Understand the data
(i) Download the txt file (Energy19.txt) from Future Learn and save it to your R working directory.
(ii) Assign the data to a matrix, e.g. using <- as.matrix(read.table("Energy19.txt "))
(iii) The variable of interest is Energy use of appliances (Y). To investigate Y, generate a subset of 300 data, e.g. using: <-[sample(1:671,300),c(1:6)]
(iv) Using scatter plots and histograms, report on the general relationship between
each of the variables X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 and the variable of interest Y. Include 5 scatter plots, 6 histograms, and 1 or 2 sentences for each of the variables, including the variable of interest Y.

2. Transform the data
(i) Choose any four from the five variables (X1, X2,..,X5). Make appropriate transformations to the chosen four variables and the variable of interest Y so that the values can be aggregated in order to predict the variable of interest. Assign your transformed data along with your transformed variable of interest to an array (it should be 300 rows and 5 columns). Save it to a txt file titled "name- transformed.txt" using
where "name" is replaced with your name - you can use your surname or first name.
(ii) Briefly explain the transformations applied for the selected four variables and the variable of interest. (1- 2 sentences each)

3. Build models and investigate the importance of each variable
(i) Download the AggWaFit718.R file (from Future Learn) to your working directory and load into the R workspace using,
(ii) Use the fitting functions to learn the parameters for
• A weighted arithmetic mean (WAM)
• Weighted power means (WPM) with p = 0.5, and p = 2,
• An ordered weighted averaging function (OWA), and
• A Choquet integral.

(iii) Include two tables in your report - one with the error measures and correlation coefficients, and one summarising the weights/parameters and any other useful information learned for your data.
(iv) Compare and interpret the data in your tables. Comment on
a. How good the model is,
b. The importance of each of the variables (the four variables that you have selected),
c. Any interaction between any of those variables (are they complementary or redundant?) and
d. Better models favour higher or lower inputs.
(1-3 paragraphs for part 3(iv))

4. Use your model for prediction
(i) Choose your best fitting model.
Using your best fitting model, predict the Energy use of appliances for the following input X1=18; X2=44; X3=4; X4=74.8; X5=31.4.
(ii) Give your result and comment on whether you think it is reasonable. (1-2 sentences).
(iii) Comment on the best conditions (in terms of your chosen four variables) under which a low Energy use of appliances will occur. (1-2 sentences).

Submit to the SIT718 Clouddeakin Dropbox. Your final submission should include the following three files:

1. A report, "name-report.pdf", in pdf format (created in any word processor), covering
all of the items in above (where "name" is replaced with your name -you can use your surname or first name). With plots and tables it should be up to 7 pages.

2. A data file named "name-transformed.txt" - just to help us distinguish them!).

3. The R code file (that you have written to produce your results) named "name-code.R" (where "name" is replaced with your name - you can use your surname or first name).

Attachment:- data and

Verified Expert

In this assignment the whole analysis was done using R 3.50. To see the relationship between the variables, scatter plot and histogram are done. After that the response variable is transformed. Then linear regression was performed to predict the variables of interest.

Reference no: EM132294284

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4/26/2019 10:50:28 PM

• No more than 7 A4 sides, including Figures, Tables, Appendices and References. The report should be typed. Use minimal font 11pt and 2.5cm side margins. If the page limit is exceeded only the first 7 pages will be marked. • Assignment (a report in pdf format, software code and/or data) must be submitted via the assignment folder in the unit site (accessed via the unit Program page) • No e-mail or hardcopy submissions are accepted.


4/26/2019 10:50:21 PM

its assignment thats need to be done in "R STUDIO" all the requirments are thee in assignment pdf three files should be there 1. manmeet.pdf(report file) 2. manmeet-transformed.txt(data file) 3. manmeet-code.R(R code file) The assessment consists of FOUR tasks. Students must attempt all tasks and provide an individual written report in appropriate word processor. The detailed problem description and data set will be released to students on Friday 5th.

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