Affluence and morality

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Reference no: EM1378903

Question: In Peter Singer's view he feels that everyone should live within "MARGINAL UTILITY". I do not feel that this is feasible. He does not take into account that the people he wishes to give up their money have earned it or he has not yet set any standards for what is Marginal Utility, from a rich person to a middle class person to a poor. I am looking for help in gathering thoughts and views on why this marginal utility view is wrong.

Reference no: EM1378903

Questions Cloud

Question about ethical approach : Regarding President Bush's space plan, and concern some have with spending billions on space when we have so many earthly difficulties.
Criticism of the romantic period : I learned that one criticism of the Romantic Period is that it is emphasis on feeling led to what some consider to be an age of subjectivity.
The divine command theory : James Rachels discuss in The Divine Command Theory that it cannot be accepted, even by religious believers, because it leads to serious doubts about the perfection of God.
Cultural relativism : The piece I read talked abut how different cultures have different moral codes. The Greeks ate bodies of their dead and the Callatians burned theirs.
Affluence and morality : In Peter Singer's view he feels that everyone should live within MARGINAL UTILITY. I do not feel that this is feasible. He does not take into account that the people he wishes to give up their money have earned
How much money is duke university health system losing : How much money is Duke University Health System losing and what are the financial results of the CHF disease management program?
Morality - matter of opinion : Is morality just a matter of opinion depending on the culture in which one is increaseed? But Cultural Relativist has an argument that there is no universal standard of morality.
The sophists : Discuss and describe how the idea expressed in the quote relates to the subject area from which it is comes.
Ethical relativism and ethical egoism : Discuss similarities and differences of the two moral philosophies, Ethical Relativism and Ethical Egoism. Include the bases each philosophy type uses to evaluate the morality of a particular activity.


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