Affective component is the emotional

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132979726

Question 1 For the following statement, state whether it is true or false, and justify your answer. People's behaviour is based on their perception of what reality is, not on reality itself.

Question 2 For the following statement, state whether it is true or false, and justify your answer. One way moods differ from emotions because they aren't directed towards any specific object.

Question 3 For the following statement, state whether it is true or false, and justify your answer. Joe has outlined the goals that he wants to achieve in his life. These are known as his Instrumental Values.

Question 4 For the following statement, state whether it is true or false, and justify your answer. The affective component is the emotional or feeling segment of an attitude.

Question 5 For the following statement, state whether it is true or false, and justify your answer. When hygiene factors are present, they usually lead to job satisfaction.

Question 6 For the following statement, state whether it is true or false, and justify your answer. Sense of meaningfulness, or sense of purpose, is one of the four key rewards to increase intrinsic motivation.

Question 7 For the following statement, state whether it is true or false, and justify your answer. Studies have shown recognition to be the most powerful workplace motivator.

Question 8 For the following statement, state whether it is true or false, and justify your answer. A telephone salesperson who must speak from a prepared script is an example of high autonomy.

Question 9 Discuss 3 of the 5 Big Personality Traits and explain how they influence organizational behaviour in the workplace.

Question 10 Making reference to at least 3 different needs and/or process theories, explain how these theories can help you create a rewards system designed to motivate employees? Make sure to include variable pay, flexible benefits and intrinsic rewards in your rewards system.

Reference no: EM132979726

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